Yoga lessons: the basic positions to learn well and quickly

Yoga has always attracted you, but have you never had the opportunity to practice this discipline full of benefits? Or have you already done yoga, but unfortunately you don't have the time to take regular classes? Whether you are a beginner or an enthusiast, here are the basic positions of yoga, the ones you need to know perfectly in order to practice this discipline even at home, carving out a few minutes to devote to your psychophysical well-being.

All it takes is a yoga mat, comfortable clothes and 30 minutes of tranquility. Conducting a yoga course can be done in this way: a sun salutation, followed by 5 standing positions, 5 sitting positions and 5 relaxation positions. Maintain each position for 5 breathing cycles (10 breathing cycles for relaxation positions).

The position of the triangle

See also

Hatha yoga: what it is, positions and benefits of the most practiced form of yoga

Yoga positions in two: 5 exercises to fall in love more

4 Yoga positions to improve concentration

  • Position: standing. Right foot forward in line with the mat, left foot pointing back perpendicular to the right foot. The right hand rests on the shin of the right leg and the left hand rises towards the sky, with the fingers closed. The body is turned in profile and the gaze fixes on the hand that is on the top. After five breaths, start again to the left.

  • Benefits: strengthening of the leg muscles, toning the spine and abdominal belt.

  • Look: towards the hand at the top.

The lateral or lizard stretch position

  • Position of the lizard: right leg forward, bent. The right foot must be parallel to the mat, the rear one perpendicular to the foot in front. The elbow of the right arm rests on the right thigh, with the body tilted forward. The left arm is stretched upwards. After five breaths, start again to the left.

  • Benefits: stretching of the spine and legs, strengthening of respiratory capacity, opening of the shoulders.

  • Attention: the body is turned in profile and the gaze is fixed on the hand above.

  • Look: towards the hand at the top.

The twist position

  • Position: kneeling, right leg bent, with the foot parallel to the mat. Bust turned in profile towards the right leg. Hands folded in prayer position at sternum. Left elbow resting on right leg, above knee. After five breaths, start again to the left.

  • Benefits: particularly invigorating position, which improves the elasticity of the spine and promotes digestion.

  • Look: towards the sky.

The position of the tree

  • Position: standing, balanced on one leg. The other leg is bent, with the foot resting on the thigh above the knee of the opposite leg. Arms straight up, hands joined above the head. After five breaths, repeat with the other leg.

  • Benefits: physical and mental balance, strengthening of concentration and self-esteem.

  • Look: straight ahead.

The position of the warrior

  • Position of the warrior: standing, right leg bent forward, with the foot parallel to the mat. Left leg extended towards the back, with the foot perpendicular to the front foot. Body turned forward. Arms stretched upwards, hands joined and look towards the hands. After five breaths, repeat with the left.

  • Benefits: opening of the rib cage and pelvis, strengthening of the legs.

  • Look: towards the hands, upwards.

The position of the back stretch

  • Position: sit on the ground, legs extended forward and together. Raise your arms upwards and slowly come down with your face towards your legs, trying not to arch your back. The spine should rather stretch forward. The hands grasp the soles of the feet. Remain in this position for five cycles. respirators.

  • Benefits: intense stretching of the whole back of the body, feeling of tranquility.

  • Look: towards the legs.

The "Janu Sirsasana" position

  • Position: variant of the posterior stretch. Sit on the floor, one leg straight, with the foot in flex. The other leg is bent, with the foot resting on the straight leg at the height of the thigh, just above the knee. Slowly, go down towards the extended leg, trying not to arch your back, grabbing the foot with your hands. After five breathing cycles, repeat with the other leg.

  • Benefits: Intense stretching of the back of the body, feeling of tranquility.

  • Look: towards the extended leg.

The position of the wise Marichy

  • Position: Sit on the floor, with the left leg extended and the foot in flex. The right leg is bent with the foot flat on the ground. The right arm is stretched back, with the fingers resting on the ground. The torso is twisted to the right with the left arm resting on the knee of the bent right leg. After five breaths, repeat with the other leg.

  • Benefits: improves digestion, stimulates the organs contained in the abdomen.

  • Look: towards the back.

The position of the ship

  • Vessel Position: Sit on the floor with your legs extended and parallel and your back straight. Slowly raise your legs, keeping your back straight, until you form a "V" with your torso. To hold your legs, contract your abs. Raise your arms forward. Remain in this position for five breaths.

  • Benefits: strengthening of the abdominal, back and leg muscles.

  • Look: towards the toes.

The position of the arch

  • Position: Lie on your back with your arms at your sides and palms facing the floor. Bend the legs, bringing the feet closer to the buttocks. Lift your hips to the sky, keeping your shoulders flat on the floor. Bring your shoulders together and arch your back even more. Remain in this position for five breaths.

  • Benefits: stretching of the inner part of the body, opening of the rib cage, stimulation of the endocrine glands.

  • Look: towards the body.

The position of the candle

  • Position: Lie on your back with your arms at your sides and palms facing the floor. Bend your legs and then stretch them upwards, lifting your buttocks off the ground and then your torso, helping yourself with your hands, resting behind your back. The toes are pointing upwards. The body must come to be perpendicular to the mat. Contract the chin towards the throat. Remain in this position for five breaths.

  • Benefits: improvement of blood circulation, stimulation of the thyroid and parathyroid glands, improvement of brain activity, fight against constipation.

  • Look: towards the nose.

The position of the fish

  • Position: Lie on your back with your arms along your body and palms facing the floor. Raise the rib cage off the ground, leaving the top of the skull and forearms on the floor. Remain in this position for five breaths.

  • Benefits: opening of the rib cage, stimulation of the respiratory tract.

  • Look: towards the nose.

The lotus position

  • Position: sit on the floor with your legs crossed, and your feet flat on your thighs. Arms outstretched, hands resting on knees, palms towards the sky. Index fingers and thumbs touch each other in "chin mudra" (position of wisdom). Keep your back straight by extending your spine upward. Stay in this position for ten breaths.

  • Benefits: concentration and calm.

  • Gaze: narrowed eyes.

The position of the corpse or savasana

  • Position: to do the savasana lie on your back with your arms along your body and palms facing upwards. Slightly open your legs and turn your feet outwards. Completely relax the body.

  • Benefits: absolute relaxation.

  • Gaze: eyes closed.

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