Personality test: do you have any complexes? If so, which ones?

Ask the most beautiful, funniest and smartest of your friends to tell you what she doesn't like about herself - she'll make you an endless list of faults! It's normal: we all have complexes and, in the end, it's almost good for us. Without complexes we could not live in society: we would throw ourselves into stupid projects all the time (casting of Big Brother, competition of the biggest sausage eater ...) and we would say what we think of everything, everyone, always and in any case. Your own complexes, you just need to know how to control them. Prevent them from becoming impediments or obsessions. Like, can you watch this video without going crazy?

Personality test: do you have any complexes? Which?

And you, do you have any complexes? If so, which ones? Find out by answering our test, also to learn how to manage them better! You will see, it is often enough to slightly change your point of view to feel better!

See also

Personality test: how fearful are you?

Personality test: how tolerant are you?

Personality test: how intuitive are you?

It is never too late to improve and make progress. But what will you be like in 10 years? Find out with another test!

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