Personality test: how good are you to others?

How good are you with others? More, less or how much are you with yourself? Being good with others is a bit of a natural way of being, let's say a gift, but also a life choice that is built up as you grow up. Not being so obviously depends on your own character, education but also life experiences.
By the way, goodness and love are good, did you know? Watch the video:

Personality test: how good are you to others?

It often happens that even if you are good, you have difficulty in externalizing it with others, and therefore you are cold and disinterested in your neighbor. Furthermore, goodness is not always recognized and appreciated and this can put even the most tender people in the world into question. Are you sure you are actually good to others, sweet as a sugar heart? Or do you now have a heart of ice and are you as sour as a lemon? Take the quiz and find out!

See also

Personality test: how fearful are you?

Personality test: how tolerant are you?

Personality test: how intuitive are you?

By the way, are you a self-centered and selfish person, or can you look beyond your nose? Find out with this test:

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