Couple Test: Pick a position and find out how your relationship is going

Sex is not just a pleasure tool. Sex creates the intimacy of the couple, and this speaks much more than a thousand arguments, happy days, bad moods or other. The intimacy of the couple is fundamental precisely because in it there are so many aspects of the partners and dynamics of the couple itself. In fact, sex is good on several levels, watch the video:

Couple Test: Pick a position and find out how your relationship is going

Precisely by virtue of the importance of sex in the couple, through the position you choose, you will be able to discover something more about your relationship. Are you in a stalemate? Are you in a moment of change? Are you bursting with passion? Just take our test to find out how it goes between you:

See also

Couple Test: What's the Perfect Position for You Two?

Couple test: is it time to leave it?

Test: What is the perfect position for you based on your character?

And speaking of sexuality: have you ever fantasized about "another woman?" We have a bisexuality test for you!

Tags:  Horoscope Marriage Star