Personality test: what element of spring are you?

Each season has its own elements that most represent it and each of us, based on our personality, embodies some of these distinctive traits. And, in fact, the passing of the seasons of life is so similar to those of nature! More specifically, spring, with its colors and scents, represents rebirth, but not only. His coming is synonymous with freedom, lightness and strength. Before finding out which element of spring you are, see how to remedy the symptoms of the first heat, here is a video that illustrates it:

Test: what element of spring are you?

If each of us has a bit of spring inside, then this also applies to you! Based on your way of being and what you prefer, find out immediately which symbol of spring you are and what this corresponds to. Our test will help you discover something about you, what are you waiting for? Here is the test:

See also

Personality test: how fearful are you?

Personality test: how tolerant are you?

Personality test: how intuitive are you?

Spring: What kind of rebirth season flower are you? Take the test and find out!

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