Test: self-deprecating or touchy? Find out how you are

How good is it to laugh? Laughing seems to be a "very good thing, chemically beneficial for the whole body and also for the spirit." This well-being is sometimes associated with oneself: knowing how to laugh at oneself and one's flaws could be an added value. Not everyone succeeds because maybe there are burning issues and you don't react well. However, those who often take it badly, who even a simple criticism, or a character statement, interpret it as an "offense risks being labeled as" touchy. "After seeing this video, which reminds us that in addition to laughing there are other things that are good for the soul, take our test and find out if you are more self-deprecating or touchy:

Test: self-deprecating or touchy? Find out how you are!

Each of us knows if deep down tolerates criticism well, one teases about a personal flaw, a shrewd or malicious comment about our attitude. No one is free from defects, but not all of us accept having them. Perhaps we prefer to hide them to feel protected. So can you laugh at yourself or are you touchy? Take the test and find out how you are:

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Test: which of the protagonists of Friends are you?

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Speaking of personality ... are you a very or not very tidy person? Take the test and find out right away, fool:

Tags:  News - Gossip Beauty Horoscope