Stashing: A new trend arrives that makes couples break out

After the ghosting, the "disappearance" of a part of the couple who, in order not to face the problems, refuses to answer the phone pretending to be a ghost, the time has come for stashing.
The situation seems to be roses and flowers and life between the sheets, if satisfactory, brings with it several positive consequences ...

At some point, however, something happens that changes everything. What is it about?

What is stashing?

This term comes from the verb "to stash" which means "to hide". Stashing consists of putting your partner aside, pretending that he doesn't exist on social media, making him disappear from your photos and, of course, from your tags. Maybe the likes are there, but unfortunately they are not the ones who make the couple relationships work ... One of the components of life as a couple behaves as if in the digital universe he was single and the other, in the meantime, suffers from it because he cannot find correspondence between the media world and the real one.

Why is it dangerous?

The problem with such a situation is that it leads "the hidden" to lose all the confidence it had in itself. "Because he hides me, he does it because he sees other people?', 'What's wrong with me, I'm not up to it?": these are just some of the questions that swirl in the head of those who, even if they do not really know how and why, have seen themselves disappear.

Before diagnosing a disorder in your relationship that may not exist, it is good to talk about it with your partner: it may be that there is only a problem of shyness at the base, no concealment, only a great desire to preserve yourself, or it may be that your photo was not matched with his Instagram profile and yes, these people really exist.
If it seems clear that your boyfriend has deliberately decided to hide you, try to move away: there is nothing good in a relationship that cannot be lived out in the open.
Happy couples do not post selfies on Facebook but recognize each other's existence and this, the stars, know very well.


Tags:  Fashion Properly Marriage