Spotting: main symptoms and causes

Have your menstruation been over for a while now, and yet you continue to lose blood? Of course, it is not a question of abundant losses, as occurs in the regular days of the menstrual cycle, but of small losses, more similar to spots - spots, in fact - that appear between one cycle and the next and in an unexpected and irregular way; for this reason , this phenomenon is called just spotting.

Below we will try to understand what are the main symptoms and the causes that determine it. One of the aspects that differentiate it from the actual menstrual cycle is the absence of pain, typical instead of menstruation, especially in the very first days. In the following video, you will find some small natural remedies that can help you to effectively counteract the premenstrual syndrome.

What are the main symptoms?

The menstrual cycle lasts on average between 21 and 36 days. During this time, the body prepares for the arrival of a fertilized egg, causing the endometrium to thicken and to spike estrogen and progesterone levels.

However, when the egg is not fertilized, hormone levels drop and the lining of the uterus is expelled. This phenomenon is called menstruation. If the bleeding persists even after a week, ie after the actual period, then it is called "spotting." These losses are generally much less abundant and occur between cycles. Generally they are brown or otherwise dark, and most of the time, as we mentioned at the beginning, they do not cause pain, unlike menstruation.

In most cases, the fault lies with the levels of progesterone and estrogen; however, if this phenomenon occurs frequently and in abundance, it is defined as metrorrhagia and requires the consultation of a specialist to ascertain the causes, through appropriate diagnostic tests.

To avoid unpleasant surprises, especially if you are subject to them, always try to bring hygienic protections with you, which can save you in case of sudden losses: a disposable pad, a washable one or a menstrual cup, increasingly used by women; in short, choose what suits you best and allows you to be at ease in case you have the classic brown losses typical of spotting.

> All menstrual cups on Amazon

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The causes of spotting

The causes of spotting are many and most of the time they do not portend anything serious.

An oral contraceptive (pill)
Women often mistakenly think that with the pill their periods are completely regular, like a Swiss watch. But a wrong dosage can cause hormonal imbalances and therefore also alter the rhythm of the cycle.
But be careful, do not stop taking the pill if this phenomenon happens to you, as a slight loss does not mean that it is ineffective, only that it is incorrectly dosed. Furthermore, stopping it can cause ovulation again and with it, the possibility of becoming pregnant. In this case, it is advisable to contact your gynecologist and review the dosage of the pill with her.
The same goes for any other contraceptive such as patches, contraceptive coil, diaphragm. Especially if you use the IUD, there is no need to be alarmed immediately, as this tends to lengthen the duration of menstruation. Of course, if the condition becomes permanent, contact your doctor.

Stress is often our body's worst enemy. It can be at the origin of many disorders, including hormonal fluctuations which, when they do not upset our vaginal flora, can cause an oscillation of our cycle, prolonging menstruation.

A long journey
This happens in particular if the time difference is quite important and you are experiencing a jet-lag situation; In fact, it can often happen that after returning from a long trip, you may have your menstrual cycle earlier than the expected date or, more rarely, a slight delay. This situation can also lead to other physical ailments, generally not serious, but attributable to a sort of stress to which our body has been subjected.

Lack of sleep
Stress-related situation. Tiredness, exhaustion and lack of sleep can influence the course of the menstrual cycle, subjecting it to alterations and imbalances.

Eating disorders and obesity
These factors can also intervene, altering the ability to ovulate.

An early pregnancy
Although the egg has been fertilized in the uterus and is in fact facing a pregnancy, the body continues its cycle in a normal way. This can usually happen for the first two to three months of pregnancy. Not surprisingly, in these situations, we talk about pregnancy spotting. This is a very common phenomenon among women, but in any case, it is good to consult your gynecologist to be sure that it is considered a normal situation.

Three situations of possible losses

Presence of a fibroid on the lining of the uterus or neck of the uterus
A fibroid can be of great concern because it is a tumor, but in most cases it is benign and can therefore be removed quickly and without particular problems.
It is generally discovered during a normal gynecological examination, therefore it is advisable not only to make an appointment in case of particular discomfort or blood loss, but also and above all to respect the usual preventive visit to be done at least once a year.

During the first menstrual cycles
In this phase the body is changing and it needs some time to get used to all these hormonal changes and stabilize with a more or less regular cycle. In fact, it is very likely that during the first two years, you will notice some unusual losses between cycles. Also in this case, do not worry, but to rest assured, pay a visit to the gynecologist and you will have all the specific clarifications based on your case.

In pre-menopause
It is a bit like the first cycle: the body has to get used to the new phase of change that is now upon us and the hormonal changes it inevitably undergoes. It does not have to prepare to receive a fertilized egg, therefore it no longer has to expel the lining of the uterus. once a month, but it needs time to adjust to this new situation. Don't worry, slight bleeding is normal, but to be sure, it is best to schedule a visit and consult your trusted gynecologist.

In general, as we have said, spotting is not a serious problem: blood loss is minimal and painless, but as we have seen it is not always to be neglected, especially if it persists with a certain regularity.
When this phenomenon occurs often and becomes almost permanent, in fact, it can not only affect daily life, but also herald a more serious problem. This is why it is essential to contact a gynecologist who will be able to indicate all the diagnostic tests that you will have to undergo to rule out more serious problems.

If you want more information on spotting, you can consult the Humanitas Health website

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