Dreaming of fire - meaning and interpretations

When the image of a fire is placed before one's eyes, it manages to frighten and terrify most people. This natural element is often considered the most destructive, capable of causing irreparable and irreversible damage. However, fire is also a precious resource of life for every man. Its discovery had been fundamental for the birth of civilizations and for the evolution of human history. For all this, it does not assume only negative meanings and is also connected to the sphere of the strongest feelings, such as passion and carnal love, up to the representations of purification and renewal, such as the formation of a new life in the phase of pregnancy.

Given its rich symbolism, built over the years, deciphering a dream starring fire requires attention to the various details of the dream scene to arrive at the correct interpretation.

Symbology of fire in dreams and beyond

"Love is a fire. But you will never know if it will warm your heart or burn your house. '

According to Freud, dreaming of fire means coming into contact with the passion of love inherent in man. for Jung, on the other hand, this natural element can be disconnected from the love component. With this, he identifies fire as the energetic element par excellence, typical of extroverted people, confident in their abilities and, at times, self-centered. Fire, in general, represents the passion that is declined in the various areas of everyone's life. Thus, over time a rich and varied symbolism has been built around the fire, which explains the different interpretations that fire can take both in dreams and in the artistic works in which it is found.

  • Vital energy and creativity: fire is often associated with the vital impulse, the desire to do and the inner resources that push everyone to accomplish their goals.
  • Passion: as already mentioned, fire is the symbol of passion and the strongest emotions. Normally, passion means libido, or lust and the love impulse, but it can also refer to destructive feelings such as anger and rage.
  • Love: in this case, love must be distinguished from the passion for its asexual component. In fact, fire also indicates family affection, especially if read in the key of the "home".
  • Purification: Fire is able to destroy everything in its path, but, at the same time, to purify and lead to a new beginning.

See also

Dreaming of the sea: meaning and interpretations

Dreaming of turtles - meaning and interpretations

Dreaming of crying - meaning and interpretations

Dreaming of a burning fire

Although you can immediately think the opposite, dreaming of a burning fire, with no one around and without any "action performed by the dreamer, does not have a negative meaning, on the contrary. It represents the desire to live, to do and to create, revealing a great enthusiasm. , rational or not, of the person who dreamed it. Probably, if you have had this dream, you are in a moment of transition in your life, which, however, you are not afraid to face. You have at your disposal a considerable resource of energies that will help you bring about the change by renewing yourself.

Even if in the dream the fire is lit in a fireplace, there is a "positive interpretation. This" image can indicate both the family love that surrounds you and the burning passion that reigns within your relationship. On the other hand, the meaning of an extinguished fire in a fireplace is negative: it indicates a lack of affection and love.

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Dreaming of lighting a fire

This dream is very special because it can have different interpretations. First of all, in the dream world, lighting a fire can mean being ready to start a new project. The latter can concern both the working and the sentimental aspects. What is important is to keep in mind that dreaming of lighting a fire does not mean that the project started will necessarily be successful. The final result will be determined by whether or not we will be able to dominate the lit fire or not. Otherwise, it will be better to proceed with caution in the new initiative.

Then, this dream could also represent entering the most passionate phase in a relationship. After the shyness of the first moments, you and your potential partner are now in full harmony and the passion can no longer be hidden.

Dreaming of putting out the fire

If you have dreamed of yourself in the act of putting out a fire, then know that your unconscious is sending you a very clear message: it is time to stop, reflect and control your instincts. Maybe in the last period you let yourself be guided too much from emotions, without listening to rationality, or you have launched into too many activities or new goals and now you need a break, rest and calm.

To have a more truthful interpretation, it would be useful to recognize the elements used when the fire is extinguished. In fact, if the flames are extinguished with river water, then it means that more calm and peaceful feelings are being substituted for destructive feelings. while if earth or clothing is used, the dreamer will have to resort to material aspects to try to appease these harmful passions.

Instead, a dream in which it is not the dreamer who puts out the fire, but it is already extinguished, then it is not a good sign. An extinguished fire indicates a lack of affection and love, sadness or a sharp decline in passion within a love relationship. Finally, it can mean poor health and a missed opportunity.

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Dreaming of a fire

A dream image in which a fire appears indicates that strong emotions and great passions are flaring up in the dreamer's soul, which can be destructive. The easiest to spot is the amorous libido, but it could also be anger, rage and jealousy. This dream appears more frequently to those people who, normally, show themselves detached and controlled, but who in their interior experience a tumult of feelings and sensations that they never give vent to.

Then, according to many, a fire means the need for purification and great renewal. It may happen, in fact, that for a long time we experienced a situation that was close to us, which gave us no way to show ourselves as we really are. The fire of a fire is that drive to close with everything in order to change and regenerate ourselves. Although a scorched earth is a "sad and desolate image, it is also a land made fertile again by the ashes and, therefore, ready for a new beginning.

Some other meaning of dreams with fire

Given the many interpretations on dreams starring fire, we have summarized some other meanings of this very particular dream image:

  • Fire and water: the two natural "rival" elements par excellence, if one has dreamed of the meeting of fire and water it means living a period of strong inner conflict, perhaps due to a difficult decision that must be taken.
  • Fire and smoke: indicates an unpleasant situation that is coming or that you are already experiencing. Something has gone "wrong" and can no longer return to its original state, just like an object consumed by fire and gone up in smoke.
  • Fire in an oven: represents the arrival of a pregnancy.
  • Fire on him that burns: it means that strong passions and emotions, especially anger or libido, could compromise relationships.
  • Fire on him that does not burn: in this case, the dream has a positive value. It is a sign of renewal and a new beginning from which it will benefit.
  • Fire from the sky: symbol of fear. The fire from the sky indicates the terror of something that we feel is much more powerful than us and which, therefore, would annihilate us.
  • Escape from the fire: it means that soon you will face a difficult situation from which it is better to get away.
  • House on fire: it can represent all feelings that the dreamer always repress but which remain latent and risk manifesting themselves in acts of anger.

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Neapolitan grimace: all the numbers associated with dreams with fire

Each dream starring fire is associated with a number with which you can try your luck in the Lotto game. In order to know the exact numbers and be sure of the interpretation, it is good to pay attention to all the details of what you saw when you slept. "What was the fire in my dream?" Were there other elements in my dream scene? Is there any change in my life lately? »: Once you have found the answer to this series of questions, you can go and find your lucky numbers.

Burning fire 8
Lighting a fire 70
Seeing flames suddenly 20
Fire 76
Fire in the fireplace 5
Put out a fire 67
House on fire 30
Fire in the oven 19

If you want to discover an interpretation of another dream of yours, browse the Gallery and you will find some meaning of the most recurring dreams!

Tags:  Old-Luxury In Shape Actuality