Sex after childbirth: can it be done? We have the answer

The birth of a child is a "decisive experience in the life of all parents: a change in the daily routine, new priorities, sleepless nights. Life is turned upside down, and the addition of a new member to the family also means a major change in the relationship." of couple. In this article we will try to address the topic of sex after childbirth, but first we want to leave you with a video in which we tell you the things not to do during pregnancy.

Especially the first few days and weeks with the baby are a mess of emotions. Between the crying of the newborn and the perennial fatigue due to the new rhythms, the woman especially often struggles with her new role as mother, and thoughts about sex are completely absent.
This can be stressful for the partner at times, but it is quite natural. He too must find a new balance for the role of father, also in relation to his partner.

However, at some point the urge to return to sexual intercourse comes and the first questions arise about sex after childbirth. It can be done? How can I or should I use contraception? Will I have pain? And what exactly has changed in the body as a result of pregnancy and childbirth?

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When can you have sex after giving birth?

Most gynecologists advise new mothers to wait four to six weeks before having sex after giving birth. The reason is simple: when the placenta detaches, a wound remains in the woman's uterus, which must first heal. During the healing process, ie in the period of lootations, the risk of infection is very high. partum will be finished, the wound will also be healed.

Four to six weeks is a medical recommendation, but if you can't wait, you can have intercourse sooner, the important thing is to use a condom to prevent infection. It is also possible that the new mother suffers at first, especially if an episiotomy was done during delivery.

Until the uterus retracts (after a few weeks) the penis can bump against it during intercourse, which is also unpleasant for the woman. This is why one thing is particularly important: postpartum sex must be pleasant for both of you, so better wait a bit.

Especially for women, the first time is weird. The memories of the birth are too fresh, the physical changes too strong and then the fact that suddenly they are no longer just wives and lovers but also mothers. All this irremediably affects the desire.

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Sex after childbirth: what has changed in the body?

Let's face it: during a natural birth, the woman pushes the baby through the vagina - so it should be clear that the vagina will have wounds inside it. There is no need to worry: shortly after birth it will be as before. A special regression gymnastics, in which the pelvic floor muscles are trained, helps in this regard.

Women who breastfeed their babies have a slightly low estrogen level. As a result, the vagina does not moisten as quickly, and postpartum sex can be painful. In this case, prolonged foreplay or a lubricant can help.

However, women have the biggest problem with their bodies. After pregnancy, the belly tends not to disappear immediately, the pounds gained don't go away as fast as you would like and many are afraid of "not looking good" under there.

This fear is unfounded, after only two or three weeks everything is back in place, just like before the pregnancy. It is normal to have doubts and fears, but we assure you that you can put them aside and fully enjoy the moment.

How to make sex fun again after giving birth

First sex after childbirth is fun - but it's also a little new beginning. Because everything you tried before did not go away with the birth of the baby, but somehow it was canceled.

The first sex after childbirth is exciting, exciting is a bit like the first time for many couples. Partners feel insecure, they want to do everything right. Above all, they are afraid of hurting the new mother.
This is precisely why couples should take their time. A little pampering, feeling the closeness of the other without feeling obliged to do more. After some time, the next step will come naturally.

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Sex after childbirth: contraception is a must

There are persistent rumors that one cannot get pregnant for up to a year after giving birth and while breastfeeding. Nonsense! In fact, one can conceive again immediately, so if she has no intention of becoming a mother again, contraception becomes absolutely necessary.

In addition to the classic condom, there is also a progestin pill for breastfeeding women. The classic estrogen pill, on the other hand, can reduce milk production.

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