Salmon in pregnancy: what are the risks of consuming it?

Salmon can be found on the market under various forms of conservation and processing that are also very different from each other: ranging from smoked salmon to canned salmon, passing through fresh or frozen raw salmon. For all this variety, it is good to pay close attention to the type to choose when you are pregnant. Before delving into the topic, watch this video with a list of foods to watch out for during pregnancy.

Salmon in pregnancy: characteristics and nutritional values

The nutritional characteristics of salmon vary according to the type you choose to consume. During pregnancy this aspect should not be underestimated as, if with some salmon-based preparations the risk is low, with others, however, there may be problems.
Let's start by saying that salmon is a bony fish with a considerable energy supply, appreciated not only for its taste, but also for its nutritional values ​​and health benefits.
Salmon is suitable for many types of culinary preparations, from the simplest to the most complex. The only cooking method not recommended for the preparation of salmon is frying, as it tends to alter some typical characteristics of this subject such as good fats.
Salmon is widely used for appetizers, first and second courses, but also for raw fish dishes such as carpaccio, sushi or tartare. The latter, although very tasty and appreciated, should be avoided during pregnancy by preferring cooking in the oven, on the grill or in a pan. But let's see what are the contraindications of salmon in pregnancy if included in the diet.

See also

Smoking in pregnancy: what are the risks for the baby?

Toxoplasmosis: Symptoms in Pregnancy and the Risks to the Baby

Listeria in pregnancy: what is it and what are the risks for the fetus?

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Is it good to eat salmon when pregnant?

Salmon in pregnancy is good for you, and it is useful to include it in the diet without overdoing and abusing it as, as anticipated, it is a dish that is very caloric. Let's see its main qualities.

  • Rich in Omega 3 fatty acids

Essential for cell membranes, they allow the development of the brain and eyes in the fetus, reducing the general inflammatory state and exert benefits on many metabolic diseases.
In gestations characterized by the onset or aggravation of primary arterial hypertension, ensuring an adequate intake of omega 3 can help improve health

  • Rich in Vitamin D.

Indispensable for bone metabolism, it guarantees the growth of the skeleton in the fetus and the achievement of the peak of bone mass in the development phase. It also performs an important immunomodulatory function.

  • Rich in proteins and essential amino acids

Necessary for the health of any human organism, they are also very important during pregnancy for the development of the fetus.

  • Contains iodine

Necessary to keep the thyroid healthy, its potential deficiency can compromise the development of the fetus, but sea-raised salmon must be preferred.

  • Contains Retinol (RAE)

The main function of RAE is antioxidant and precursor of vitamin A essential for sight.

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The risks associated with the consumption of salmon during pregnancy

Often all the positive characteristics of a food such as salmon make us forget some negative aspects related to the consumption of this fish during pregnancy and not. Salmon is also high in cholesterol and saturated fat which are not good for a pregnant woman.
Smoked and canned salmon are also high in sodium, which comes from the salt used to preserve. Although rich in omega 3, smoked and canned salmon are not suitable for the diet against arterial hypertension, especially during pregnancy.
In short, salmon in pregnancy is a non-essential food, but it can occasionally be included in the pregnant woman's diet, remembering to alternate it with other types of oily fish rich in omega 3 (sardine, mackerel, bonito, anchovies).
On the other hand, maximum attention is paid to raw salmon which could transmit listeria to the mother, an infection that is dangerous for the development of the fetus. It is better to omit the consumption of raw fish after childbirth and in some cases after the end of breastfeeding.

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Salmon in pregnancy and food diseases

Foodborne illnesses are an aspect to pay close attention to when you are going through the 9 months of gestation. Let's see what the main infections are and what they entail.

Salmon in pregnancy and toxoplasmosis
The toxoplasmosis bacterium, if it occurs during pregnancy, could cross the placenta and reach the fetus resulting in neurological deformities, premature birth, miscarriage or even death. Fish itself is not a food that can carry toxoplasmosis, but it can be contaminated through contact with unwashed vegetables or fruit (where instead the toxoplasmosis bacterium is present). C "it should be emphasized that this parasite does not survive the heat, so cooking the salmon before eating it will eliminate any kind of risk.

Listeria: can salmon transmit it?
Listeria proliferates in poorly preserved and raw foods, especially unpasteurized milk, molded and blue cheeses, raw or cooked and preserved fish and meat, smoked fish. In this case, therefore, the salmon could be a risk, but keep in mind that the bacterium is sensitive to heat, it dies even only at pasteurization temperature.

Salmon and histamine: what can happen?
Histamine is closely linked to allergic reactions and can also form inside foods due to the metabolism of some microorganisms or independently; it abounds in preserved foods such as smoked salmon or canned salmon and especially in those characterized by some bacterial or fungal growth.

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Frequently asked questions about salmon in pregnancy

Can I eat smoked salmon when pregnant?
The smoking of salmon, although similar to cooking, unfortunately does not avoid the risk of contracting diseases or infections such as those mentioned above. During pregnancy, it is always best to cook the fish completely before using it in dishes, in order to be sure that it does not harm the mother and baby.

Can i eat salmon sushi when pregnant?
Sushi is a very tasty food, but it can be extremely caloric depending on the type chosen. If you want to avoid gaining too much weight that is difficult to dispose of once the gestation is over, it is better to avoid this type of dish. But the reason is also another. Often inside the sushi there is a piece of raw salmon, which as we have seen in this article, is extremely dangerous for the future mother and the child. Better to avoid it altogether. If you really can't resist, choose a combination that does not include raw fish.

How to cook salmon when pregnant?
Salmon is rich in useful substances even during pregnancy, it will be enough not to abuse it (because it is very caloric), but if well cooked, it can be included in the diet. The best way to eat it is cooked, in a pan for example, or choose a steamed slice to be seasoned later with a drizzle of oil and a little lemon. Baked salmon is also a healthy and tasty recipe, excellent for pregnant women: an idea could be to accompany it with vegetables cooked together or with a pinzimonio.

Salmon and mercury: is it dangerous for mom and baby?
Salmon as well as some similar fish (tuna, swordfish, mackerel) tends to accumulate large quantities of mercury especially because it is a large fish. Mercury is a metal that is harmful to the human body, but only when taken in large quantities. There is no risk by consuming small portions of these fish.

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