Magic properties and benefits of rosemary, from memory to hair!

Rosemary is a plant full of magical properties! The benefits of rosemary, in fact, are innumerable: it is a panacea for the health of our body, for the memory, but also for the skin and hair thanks to its well-known cosmetic properties.

According to some, the name "rosemary" derives from "rosa" and "maris", which in Latin mean "rose" and "sea", for others from "rhus" and "maris", "sea shrub". Whatever the correct etymology, rosemary always remains a balsamic plant linked to the sea: it is in fact found on the cliffs of the Mediterranean, where it grows spontaneously.

And it is precisely the Mediterranean cuisine that has exploited all the properties of rosemary, which represents one of the privileged ingredients of the many exquisite recipes of our tradition. The magical properties of rosemary, in fact, have been known since ancient times: in the Middle Ages even its wood was used as a sort of talisman to build, for example, magic combs that would have prevented hair loss!

So let's discover together all the magical properties and the thousand benefits of rosemary, but in the meantime, here is one of the tasty recipes in which you can try your hand at this plant with an unmistakable scent:

Rosemary: all about this plant with magical properties

Rosemary is a shrubby perennial plant with deep and resistant roots. Its wooden stems have many branches and can reach 50-300 cm in height. The leathery leaves, between 2 and 3 cm long, are very numerous and dark green on the upper front and whitish on the lower one, where there is hair, rich in glands that produce essential oil.

The rosemary flowers are very small and collected in clusters. Their color is violet-blue or lilac or, rarely, white, while the fruits are brown in color. There are several species of rosemary that differ from each other in the quantity of essential oil produced and in their bearing.

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The active ingredients and nutritional values ​​of rosemary

The properties of rosemary are due to its active ingredients and, in particular, to those contained in its essential oil, which also gives us the characteristic scent of the plant. Rosemary has terpene and flavonoid derivatives, which make it particularly beneficial.

The essential oil of rosamrino also consists of substances such as cineole, linalool, camphor, alpha and beta pinene, borneol, camphene, diterpenes, triterpenes, glucosides.

100 grams of fresh rosemary contain 131 calories. Here are the nutritional values, again per 100 grams: 3.31 g of protein, 20.7 g of carbohydrates, 5.86 g of fat, 14.1 g of dietary fiber, 26 mg of sodium.

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Properties and benefits of rosemary

And here we are finally with the beneficial properties of rosemary, a truly magical plant for our body, with incredible therapeutic qualities. First of all, rosemary exerts a fortifying action on our body, functioning as a real tonic in case of both physical and mental fatigue.

Rosemary has antispasmodic and pain relieving properties, and is an excellent anti-inflammatory. It can help prevent infectious diseases thanks to its antibacterial and antiseptic action. It is also recognized as having antioxidant properties.

The active ingredients of rosemary are particularly beneficial for the entire gastrointestinal system. It is in fact a plant known for its digestive and carminative properties, which help in the elimination of gas and intestinal swelling. It acts favorably in case of reflux, as well as if you suffer from loss of appetite. It stimulates bowel movement, and is therefore recommended in case of constipation, but also to calm muscle spasms. It is also often used to fight intestinal parasites.

Rosemary has evident beneficial properties on the nervous system: it calms anxiety, stress and depressive forms. It can be useful in case of migraines, sciatica and various neuralgia. It also helps to fight rheumatic and muscular problems in general.

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The cosmetic properties of rosemary: a panacea for hair and skin

Rosemary possesses equally magical cosmetic properties: it is a real cure-all for both hair and our skin! Its purifying and deodorant action is also exploited at an industrial level in the cosmetic sector to produce creams, shampoos, perfumes, toothpastes and mouthwashes ... everything more!

For the hair it turns out to be truly miraculous: it normalizes sebaceous secretion, representing an excellent remedy for oily hair and dandruff. It also has the ability to stimulate hair follicles, fighting baldness.

If you want to prepare an anti-hair loss shampoo, for example, just add some well-washed rosemary leaves to a little neutral shampoo, then leave it to act for a few weeks and filter before use. Seeing is believing!
Buy a rosemary shampoo on Amazon.

Rosemary can also work wonders for the skin: it is no coincidence that it is found in many lotions with purifying and antibacterial action, useful for the treatment of impure skin. Try to leave 50 grams of rosemary in boiling water for ten minutes. then filter: you will get an excellent facial tonic! Here are other foods that are good for the skin:

See also: Foods that are good for your skin: how to improve your facial skin by eating!

© iStock Foods that are good for the skin

Rosemary, ally of memory

But is it true that rosemary also has beneficial properties for memory? It is in fact an "idea that comes from the past (even Shakespeare spoke of it in" Hamlet!), Supported by "aromatherapy and also proven by the scientific community.

In fact, according to a study by Northumbria University, rosemary improves cognitive performance and long-term memory by up to 15%! The researchers created two groups of 33-person participants, one, leading the first into a room filled with the scent of rosemary and the second into a fragrance-free room. From the various tests conducted, it was found that the participants in the first group had improved. their long-term and prospective memory capacity compared to those of the second group.

The scientific community therefore argues that rosemary can be useful for combating cognitive deficits, especially for the elderly with declining memory.

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Contraindications and side effects of rosemary

The contraindications and side effects of rosemary mainly concern the abuse of its essential oil, which should be used only for short periods and never in pure form on irritations. An overdose can be toxic.

It should also not be taken by children, pregnant women and epilepsy patients. It can lead to vomiting, irritations, covulsions, respiratory and gastrointestinal difficulties. Before using it, always ask your herbalist or doctor for advice and if there are no limitations, you can find it here on Amazon!

For more scientific information on the properties of rosemary, you can consult the Humanitas website.

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