Raoul Bova separates?

It seems that one of the most stainless couples is saying goodbye after many years of marriage. Raoul Bova would in fact be separating from his wife Chiara Giordano. The scoop was revealed during the broadcast Morning 5 in a report on the most famous weddings that have come to an end: in addition to the couple Bellucci-Cassel and Duglas-Zeta-Jones, the names of the Italian actor and his wife were in fact mentioned.

The news, however, generated a certain embarrassment in the studio and the presenter Federica Panicucci wanted to specify that she was not aware of the gossip, which was also confirmed by the "gossip expert Silvana Giacobini, director of Diva and Donna, present in transmission.

In reality, rumors of a possible farewell between the Roman interpreter and the wife with whom Bova has been married since 2000 and with whom he had two children have been circulating for some time. We can only wait for the next rumors to know the fate of one of the couples considered so far more solid in the gossip of our home.

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