The 7 steps to take for perfect skin over 50!

In collaboration with Somatoline Cosmetic

Around the age of 50, the skin of the face begins to show the signs of age more visibly, this due to several factors, including the passage of time, external agents and hormonal changes. But what specifically happens to ours face? The oval is less clear and defined, the features change and there are areas that are more hollowed out. The relaxation of the tissues and the loss of density are the main visible signs on the face of the over fifties, but with the right moves and constant attention you can slow down the aging process and show off a radiant and young skin that is the envy of twenty-year-olds. Don't believe it? Here are 7 steps to take for a perfect face even after 50.

1. Choose the right cream!

First essential step: choosing the right anti-aging creams. Somatoline Lift Effect Plus is a face line designed for mature skin that acts on three skin levels to restore the codes of beauty. This global anti-aging treatment reduces the signs of aging by up to 46% through a skin bio-reconstruction mechanism and acts on the face at three levels: it fills the tissues that empty due to the loss of density, recompacts the skin by counteracting the loss. of tone and redefines the contours by counteracting the sagging of the fabrics.

In particular, the Global Anti-Aging Intensive Serum plays a fundamental role in the fight against the signs of aging. With its silky and rapidly absorbed texture, it is perfect for all skin types and is also suitable as a base for subsequent treatments.

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2. Drink one juice a day

Orange juice is a real cure-all for the skin. Vitamin C has a strong antioxidant power, capable of fighting free radicals, which are mainly responsible for aging. In addition, it stimulates the production of collagen, which increases cell turnover, making the skin more elastic and the complexion brighter. The ideal would be to drink a glass a day, preferably in the first part of the day, so that it is not heavy. Trust me, your skin will thank you.

3. Get 8 hours of sleep a night

Sleeping is another very pleasant trick that allows us to preserve our facial skin and look younger for longer. Stress and lack of rest, especially if accumulated over time, in fact cause clearly visible signs on the body, especially on the face, which loses its tone and brightness.

4. Stop smoking!

Another fundamental rule: say goodbye to cigarettes. Yes, another mandatory step is to stay away from smoking, which accelerates the cellular aging process and causes a dull complexion and asphyxiated skin.

Keep skin hydrated with homemade face scrub!

Then remember to do a face scrub at least once a week. You can choose to make it yourself at home with natural and 100% organic products to have a more hydrated and clean skin. Here is explained in the video that follows the procedure for making a DIY organic face scrub!

5. Eat well!

Even taking the right foods regularly is a great way to fight premature cell aging. There are in fact some detox foods, which more than others, allow us to slow down this process. So fill up with vitamins, enzymes, fatty acids unsaturated, antioxidant active ingredients is the rule to counter the passage of time and show off an enviable skin.

6. Protect yourself from the sun

The sun is good for sure, but with the right protection! Never forget to protect your skin when you expose yourself to the sun, especially that of the face. Remember that the sun can cause more damage over time.

7. Facial gymnastics

Do some little facial gymnastics every now and then to tone your face and help keep it young. It is a relaxing and energizing practice, in some ways close to yoga, also useful for your inner well-being.

Tags:  Beauty Old-Couple News - Gossip