Contraceptive Methods: Which One Is Right For You?

The hormonal methods

They are undoubtedly the most popular contraceptives in Europe. They are taken in different forms:

The pill: This contraceptive is taken by mouth, in the form of daily tablets. It contains hormones (estrogen and hormogesterone) that allow it to block ovulation. Depending on the dosage of the hormones we can distinguish: the combined pill (containing progesterone and estrogen) and the progestin pill (containing only progesterone), recommended in case of cardiovascular risks.
Among the side effects, we can observe weight gain, spotting, migraines and breast pains. This method is 99% effective, although there are some contraindications (smoking, diabetes, high cholesterol). There are multiple types of pill, which vary according to your needs. By following the appropriate medical prophylaxis, each of us can find the one that best suits our needs.
Here is a video to learn more about the various contraceptive methods!

See also

Natural contraceptive methods: what they are and how they work!

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Injection of progestogens: recommended for those who can't stand the pill, the intramuscular injection of progesterone should be done once a month. The only side effect: it often causes an irregularity in the cycle.

The subcutaneous implant: inserted into the arm through a small operation under local anesthesia, the implant is effective for 3 years and spreads progesterone without interruption. It is as effective as the pill but cheaper: however, it has all the side effects of the latter.

The contraceptive ring: at the same time flexible and easy to insert into the vagina, it constantly frees estrogen and progesterone for three weeks. Just take it off to cause menstruation and wait a week before inserting another.Another benefit: By containing fewer hormones, it causes milder side effects.

The transdermal patch: slightly larger than a postage stamp, the patch releases hormones that penetrate the skin for a week. After three patches, just skip a week to get your period. The side effects are the same as with the pill plus a small inflammation of the skin where the patch was stuck.

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Local methods

The male condom: in addition to allowing you to control fertility (97% safe), it is also the only solution to protect yourself against STDs, sexually transmitted diseases. Made of latex, the condom is applied to the erect penis. Obviously, each condom must be used only once and must be handled delicately. The advantage is that there are many types and car boys have no excuse not to use it!

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The female condom: it has the same advantages as the male condom. This lubricated polyurethane ring fits into the vagina and is ideal for people allergic to latex.

The spiral: it is a T-shaped copper intrauterine device (IUD). It is inserted into the uterus where it remains for several years. It exists in a simple version or with the addition of progestins, and is especially suitable for women who have already had a child. The advantage: it avoids the side effects of the pill and allows some women to see too much flow decrease.

The diaphragm: this latex cap must be inserted before each intercourse, associating it with spermicides (in the form of sponges, gels, creams or suppositories). It allows to avoid some STIs such as gonococcus and chlamydia. But beware, this method is only 92% reliable.

Natural methods

Widely used in the last century, these techniques are based on the control of the sexual act.

Interrupted coitus: the man withdraws from the vagina just before ejaculating.

Abstinence during the fertile period: once the ovulation period has been established, the couple avoids having sexual intercourse in these days, or, at least, sexual intercourse. The calculation can be done with a calendar, by measuring the body temperature, depending on the changes in the cervical smear or the hormonal change in the urine.
Even if there are no contraindications, these methods are often ineffective ...

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The non-reversible methods

Considered as extreme remedies due to their definitive nature, they can be applied to men or women who no longer want to have children.

Tubal closure: practiced on women, it is a surgical procedure that consists in dissecting the fallopian tubes.

Vasectomy: performed on men, it is an operation that allows the vas deferens to be blocked to prevent the sperm from mixing with the spermatic fluid.
Attention! Before opting for a non-reversible method, it is better to think about it, the psychological effects can be relevant.

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