Sty: causes and remedies of eye infection

Sty is an "eye infection" that appears on the eyelid with the appearance of a pimple or abscess. It often appears on the outer wall of the eyelid, or on the edge, but in some cases also on the inside. Characterized by a yellowish swelling, it can be difficult to heal due to the humidity in the area. What are the causes of sty? Are there any remedies, not only pharmacological, but also natural? Before the answers, here is a way to eliminate eye discomfort.

What is the sty and why does it appear?

Sty is an inflammation of both the lower and upper eyelids, which also involves the sebaceous glands. It looks like a solid boil placed in the inner or outer part of the eye, causes pain and discomfort, and is also often linked to eye diseases such as blepharitis. If pus is present inside the boil, the color may be yellowish. , alternatively it will be red. Let's see what are the causes behind this imperfection.

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Sty: what are the causes?

The stye is caused by bacteria that grow in the roots of the eyelashes, which often proliferate mainly due to poor hygiene. Some subjects are more prone than others to this type of infections, and special care is recommended for them. The sebaceous excesses that are deposited on the eyelids, for example, should be removed with mild neutral soaps, such as those used for newborns. In some cases the causes of sty are changes in the hormonal balance, or in a system weakened immune system due to some viral disease or infection, and those who wear contact lenses must observe the utmost hygiene in the ocular and eyelid area, because they increase the chances of contracting it.
Here is a list of the main causes that lead to sty, in addition to those already mentioned.

  • frequently rub your eyes with dirty hands
  • sleep little and badly
  • diabetes mellitus
  • seborrheic dermatitis
  • rosacea acne

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Symptoms of sty

The most common symptoms of sty are pain in the eyelid, redness and swelling of the edge of the eye. When the pain and redness decrease, the sty "bursts" and is reabsorbed. The internal one is more problematic because it can extend the infection to the entire eyelid and conjunctiva.

In most cases, the presence of the sty is accompanied by:

  • burning sensation in the eyes
  • particular sensitivity to light
  • irritation and redness of the eye
  • pressure and the sensation of a foreign body
  • itchy eyeball
  • secretions of pus
  • appearance of crusts at the edges of the eyelids
  • feeling of blurred vision
  • fever

How is the diagnosis reached?

A simple medical examination is enough to diagnose styes: only the doctor will be able to comment on the actual presence of the skin blemish, evaluating the entire health situation of the eye. He will start with an analysis of the upper and lower eyelids, will check the inside and outside of the eye, finally, if inflammation is present, but a pathology such as blepharitis can be ruled out, he will be able to prescribe a treatment. effective.

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Possible complications of sty

The sty, if not treated in time, can expand and spread to the lacrimal glands or other tissues, causing deformity and irritation of the cornea, which require surgery.

The sty is also famous for being a relapse: it can initially resolve and then reappear and become chronic, obstructing the meibomian gland and evolve into chalazion.

Other possible complications can interfere with normal eyelash growth, eyelid deformity or eyelid fistulas. Sometimes, in the case of very large styes, there may be interference with the sight.

Finally, if the stye is part of a generalized infection of the entire eyelid, this condition is defined eyelid cellulitis.

Sty: the drugs and the treatment to follow

The sty usually disappears by itself, even if you have to wait for it to burst and absorb itself naturally, without trying to speed up the process in any way. Often, however, the problem also lasts up to 3 weeks, so, especially when it is painful, it is necessary to resort to a drug treatment. The pharmaceutical remedy involves the use of paracetamol or ibuprofen, which work as a pain reliever. A specific drug, which aims at eliminating the staphylococcus cause of the infections, is l "erythromycin with topical action, which is applied directly to the infected part, often as a cream or gel. In the worst cases, you can contact your doctor, who will remove the eyelash closest to the swelling, likely cause of a "prolonged infection, and drain the pus from the sty, causing it to explode." In less stubborn cases, however, natural remedies can be used.

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When is surgery needed?

Surgery is generally used for very severe cases of sty. If normal therapy has no effect, the furuncle is removed surgically. This operation is normally performed by an ophthalmologist under local anesthesia.
A small incision is made through the conjunctiva (in case of internal sty) or on the skin (in case of external sty) to drain excess pus. In suspected cases, the removed material is collected and analyzed later to exclude any type of more serious pathology.

Natural remedies to cure sty alone

Among the natural remedies for sty, the most used is the chamomile pack. Chamomile has a soothing effect that decreases pain and significantly reduces inflammation. In any case, it is also necessary to take an anti-inflammatory and be correct in eye hygiene, to heal faster. the one with simple hot water (not boiling) and the one with lukewarm green tea. In the case of a pack with chamomile or green tea, keep the gauze soaked in the eye for at least 15-20 minutes, repeating the pack 2 or 3 times a day. day.
Also remember to remove your make-up every evening and to repeat the operation in the morning, because during sleep the skin continues to clean itself autonomously.

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Sty: can it be prevented?

Prevention is a winning weapon to combat, above all, the types of relapsing styes. Basically, always make sure that the eyelid area is perfectly clean. Follow the doctor's instructions scrupulously, the prescribed treatment will also serve to avoid complications such as chalazion. Finally, if you are suffering from blepharitis, take care of it as best as possible so that it does not become the main cause of the appearance of the sty.

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  • For more useful information on styes, you can visit the Humanitas website.
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