Belly pain in pregnancy: symptoms and causes of this pain from the first weeks to the last trimester

Belly pain in pregnancy is a rather common symptom that can derive from different causes. During pregnancy it is not uncommon to experience this kind of pain, since the first trimester, when the entire female body has to adapt to the new condition. - with her cramps in the lower abdomen - one of the very symptoms of an ongoing pregnancy.

Belly pain in pregnancy can lead to pains of different intensity and have different causes, also based on the trimester in which the pregnant woman is: at the beginning of pregnancy it is mainly due to the upsets that the body is experiencing, from the second trimester to then to the pressure of the fetus itself on the organs of the digestive system.

When is it necessary to worry then? We will find out in detail in our article: in the meantime, keep in mind that it is always good to contact your doctor in case of pain during pregnancy, especially if the stomach ache is accompanied by other symptoms. Let's find out what are the symptoms and causes of stomach pain in pregnancy, from the beginning of gestation to the week of childbirth. In the meantime, here is a video on the foods that are best avoided during pregnancy:

Causes and symptoms of stomach ache in early pregnancy and in the first trimester

Belly pain in pregnancy is very common in the first few weeks, so much so that it is considered one of the first symptoms of pregnancy itself. At the beginning of pregnancy, in fact, many women suffer from pain due to abdominal cramps, localized in the lower abdomen and often accompanied by blood loss (the so-called "implantation losses" or "false menstruation").

What is the cause of this pain? To the changes that are taking place inside the female body, and in particular to the growth of the uterus which, after conception, immediately begins to prepare to welcome the fetus. This kind of pain, consequently, will not be very severe, but more similar to the cramps in the lower abdomen of the premenstrual period, with which it is easy to be confused. The increased blood flow that accompanies conception is the cause at the beginning of pregnancy. Other accompanying symptoms may be constipation and swelling, caused by hormonal changes, which are decisive for the dilation of the uterus.

When to pay attention in the first weeks of pregnancy? If the pain in the belly is accompanied by abundant blood loss: in this case it could be a threat of abortion, and it is good to go immediately to the doctor or to the emergency room.

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Belly pain in pregnancy: causes and symptoms in the second trimester

Between the fourteenth week and the twenty-seventh week of gestation, the pain is usually caused by the "increase in the volume of the belly itself, with the necessary stretching of the muscles. It can also be caused by the" round ligament ", ie by the" stretching of the ligaments that support the uterus. In this case it will be a pain similar to cramps in the lower abdomen or dull and annoying. To avoid or decrease the pain in this case, it will be good to avoid sudden movements and change position frequently.

Another cause of stomach ache in the second trimester of pregnancy can be Braxton-Hicks contractions: these are contractions that prepare for labor and that can begin to occur already in this period, especially following physical exertion or movement. of the fetus.

Belly pain from the 14th week onwards can be accompanied by other symptoms such as constipation, bloating and diarrhea.

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Stomach pain in the last trimester of pregnancy

In the last trimester of pregnancy, stomach ache, often accompanied by diarrhea and constipation, may be due, among the various causes, once again to Braxton-Hicks contractions, which - it should be remembered - do not cause dilation and therefore are not It may be due, however, to the very beginning of labor itself, especially in the last weeks: in this case the stomach ache will present itself with regular and painful contractions.

In much less frequent cases, stomach ache could be among the symptoms of preeclampsia, a complication of pregnancy that can occur after the 34th week of gestation. Already from the twentieth week, however, you may have persistent abdominal pain that heralds it, and it is therefore always good to contact your doctor for the necessary checks and to keep it monitored. Preeclampsia consists of an increase in blood pressure and protein in the urine.

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Belly pain in pregnancy: when to worry and what precautions to take

To avoid or counteract stomach ache during pregnancy, it is always good not to make sudden movements, get up from a lying position avoiding using the abdominals and first lying on one side. You must also be careful not to strain the body and limit physical activity, especially lifting excessive weights. The rest and tranquility, removing all kinds of stress, are essential to avoid this and other pains related to gestation.

If you have stomach ache during pregnancy, as we have seen, you should not immediately be alarmed: in most cases it is a normal symptom due to changes in your body. However, see your doctor for a checkup.

If your stomach ache causes very severe and persistent pain, do not hesitate to go to the doctor or hospital, especially if it occurs together with other symptoms such as bleeding, fever, fainting, hypotension, pain when urinating, vomiting, severe pain in the lower abdomen, unusual vaginal discharge.

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