Laser for broken capillaries: everything you need to know

The capillary laser is an excellent solution in case of broken capillaries on the face and legs. The presence of broken capillaries, in fact, afflicts many people, especially in adulthood, and the causes can be many.

The capillaries are nothing more than small blood vessels, with the function of supplying the tissues. These are very fragile vessels, which - in case of rupture - do not bring serious consequences for our health, but determine their greater visibility, especially on the legs and face.

The purplish networks that are formed are unsightly and, in some cases, can also involve discomfort such as itching or burning, more rarely real pain due to circulatory damage. For this reason, more and more women decide to resort to the capillary laser. Let's find out how and if this treatment works, how long it lasts, how much it costs and if it hurts. In the meantime, however, if you want to have a clean and even face, here is a video on how to clean your face like a beautician at your home:

What are broken capillaries and why do we need the laser

The capillaries are nothing more than dilations of small veins clearly visible on our skin, with a diameter between 0.1 and 1 mm. When they break they become noticeable due to the purple bruise-like spots they form. To cause the breakage of the capillaries can be a lack of vitamin C, the abuse of alcohol and smoking, the use of anti-inflammatory or anticoagulant drugs, or circulation problems (especially if they occur on the legs).

In some cases the broken capillaries can have a hereditary origin, or be linked to hormonal changes (they often appear, for example, during pregnancy). The use of the laser, also used for other types of aesthetic problems such as erythrosis or couperose, it allows to eliminate this imperfection.

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To prevent the formation of broken capillaries on the legs we recommend:
Antistax FreshGel based on Menthol Red Vine Leaf Extract and Mint Essential Oil available on Amazon for just over 10 euros (2 for the price of 1)

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What is laser capillary treatment? Is it suitable for broken capillaries on the face and legs?

How does the capillary laser work? This kind of treatment, which today represents the best solution for broken capillaries of the face and legs, uses selective thermal pulsations (selective photothermolysis) to target the broken capillaries, without causing any damage to the surrounding tissues. The laser beam, in the form of heat, reaches the capillary in question and coagulates it, making it gradually disappear.

The capillary laser therefore uses sophisticated technology that needs the hands of an expert operator to be applied by adjusting different parameters, from the size of the laser beam to the duration of the pulses, to the pause times.

The treatment is always carried out on an outpatient basis, following the use of an anesthetic cream that avoids discomfort. A specific soothing cream will be applied to the treated area, after finishing the operation.

The laser treatment for broken capillaries is carried out in several successive sessions, generally at a minimum distance of 40-60 days one from the other. The results should be visible already after a limited number of sessions (if the imperfection is not very extensive, the results could be seen already from the first!). It is impossible to establish a fixed number of sessions, because the result and timing depend on many variables such as the severity of the blemish, its amplitude, the affected area, the depth and diameter of the capillaries.

How long does the laser treatment for capillaries last? Is it painful?

Each session with laser for broken capillaries lasts about half an hour. Each session requires from 2 to 4 sessions, depending on the amount of capillaries to be treated.

It goes without saying: laser treatment is not entirely painless, although it is widely bearable. An anesthetic cream or simply a cooling of the skin before the treatment helps the patient to endure the discomfort without too many problems.

Immediately after the session the treated areas will inevitably be red, but there is no need to worry: within a couple of days the redness will go away on its own. In some cases, small scabs may form. However, it is important to avoid expose the treated areas to sunlight: it is no coincidence that you cannot undergo the treatment in the summer months or with tanned skin.

Laser treatment for broken capillaries: how much does it cost? Does it really work?

The price for a capillary laser treatment varies according to the specialized center to which it is addressed. In principle it is around a figure between 150 and 300 euros per session. As anticipated, it is difficult to establish the exact number of sessions that will have to be carried out, but with a medical consultation it will be possible to estimate it in an approximate way.

But does laser hair treatment really work? The answer is yes: the broken capillaries, thanks to the laser, are eliminated. However, it will be necessary to understand together with your doctor if it was broken capillaries in isolated regions (therefore caused by the microcirculation) or if there is a wider problem.

In this second case, the broken capillaries could recur. It will therefore be necessary to treat the cause that caused the rupture to ensure that the problem does not recur in another area.

Contraindications and undesirable effects of the capillary laser

The capillary laser, if performed properly by an expert hand, has no undesirable effects, other than the redness that follows the treatment, and does not cause scars, at most small crusts that will go away within a week or so. .

In some cases, especially for those with dark skin, it could create hyperpigmentation, but it is possible to prevent it with a lightening cream. We remind you: it is completely forbidden, after the treatment, to expose yourself to sunlight for at least a month!

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To lighten and prevent dark spots on the skin you can use:
Guam Dark Skin Spots Cream that can be purchased on Amazon for about 19 euros

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