Pocket money

Pocket money: to give it or not
There are no rules on the matter! Each parent must choose the one they feel is right. Giving money is never an obligation, even in a consumer society like ours. On the other hand, the contact of the child with money is educational, whether it is to give him a regular allowance, or some money every now and then (for a birthday, from the grandmother ...). Habits vary from country to country: in Northern Europe, Germany, Austria, Denmark, Luxembourg ... children start getting pocket money very early, in southern European countries, Italy, Spain ... the money is given on special occasions.

How old are you?
Giving money only makes sense if the child understands what it is! At 5, he can be given a coin from time to time to buy sweets, but nothing more. We must not start before the child knows how to count and understand the prices, therefore.
It starts around 7-8 years old, with a small amount, but nothing prevents you from waiting for the child to ask you spontaneously!

How much to give?
It all depends on age. And from your budget, of course: it is the right opportunity to explain to the child that money corresponds to what they earn, and that they have a value, therefore. Give two simple examples: your salary and the cost of spending for a month.

How to give?
- Be clear from the start: specify the frequency (every Wednesday ...), the sum of the allowance and respect the commitment made (otherwise, how can he keep his?).
- Explain the rules: the money is his, he can use it as he wants but, on the other hand, nothing is added or anticipated ... If he doesn't have any more, worse for him!
- Encourage him to put some money aside to buy the game he likes best ...
- Prohibits dangerous purchases (especially for teenagers); if he disobeys (cigarettes, alcohol ...) stop giving him pocket money.
- Do not reward him for good grades (the work done at school does not have to be "paid". He is studying for his future), or for chores at home (helping out with chores is normal). On the other hand, you can give him some extra change for some extra work you asked him to do. For example repainting a door ...

The precautions
- Resist the temptation to intervene in the event of a reckless purchase! Let them have their own experiences, as long as they are risk-free.
- Increase your pocket money every year.
- Explain to him which are the fields of your competence: clothes, gym, school supplies, books ... and those of his competence: additional purchases (another game for the playstation, a new pair of rollers), candies, gadgets (a Hello Kitty wallet etc.).
- When you shop, let him read the labels, compare prices, in short, explain the cost of living and how to use money.

He doesn't want it!
It sometimes happens that some children refuse to receive pocket money. It is often a symptom of low maturity and fear of growing up. Don't push too hard. If it is small, there is no rush! Wait for him to ask for a game or candy and explain what the allowance is for. Suggest that he go "over to the side of the great ones." A few pennies will suffice.

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