How the lover in love behaves: A lover who loves you ultimately chooses you and becomes your love

A lover is often a minefield. After the initial light-heartedness it could happen that one of the two falls in love with the other, or even that both fall in love. But what happens with the previous partners? And how can a relationship with a man of another woman evolve? No one will be able to tell you now how it will really end between you, but if you feel like you're always attracting the wrong people, watch this video and find out how to change things!

Because we have a lover: the confrontation between my wife and the other woman

The lover is somewhat considered the third wheel, the family wrecker. This somewhat dated concept often causes this figure to be despised and considered an intruder. We should never forget, however, that a betrayal always takes two. The reason for starting a relationship with a lover can be many. betrayal has a thousand reasons, from the boredom of the couple, to the inability to close the stable relationship that one is living, to the simple sexual attraction ... that chemistry we have not been able to resist. So, off to the escapades, to sex that seems satisfying as never before, to messages, clandestine meetings and all those emotions that we believed to be dormant forever. But what happens next? Why does a clandestine relationship continue in anonymity and does not become a story in all respects and in the light of the sun? Why does the idea of ​​a relationship made only of sex continue calmly until desire and desire pass? Because feelings exist. Lovers have a heart too, even lovers sometimes fall in love. Of course we are talking about lovers, man or woman, it makes no difference. Have you ever thought about it? A lover in love could save the couple, keep a marriage that no longer works just to save appearances. Many couples stay together to continue being a family, for children, for conventions. And then the lover becomes a happy moment, the light in the dark, an escape valve. Instead of being the one to break an unhappy relationship for, he becomes the one who allows you to carry it on, putting his head under the pillows and pretending to go. all is well when at home it is not at all well. But when you really fall in love with your lover, it is useless to deny it, things get complicated. The two lovers begin to suffer and carefree sex remains only a memory. Reflections arise, doubts arrive , tears, the desire to make a different choice is born and at the same time the fear of not being able to carry it out.
If the two protagonists of the clandestine relationship fall in love, they begin to overcome the boundaries that society forces them to have and want something different. This something different, it should be pointed out, is very rare that it is conquered.

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How the lover in love behaves: the signs that often help you to understand

Do you want to know if your lover is falling in love with you? Observe how he behaves, only in this way you will be able to understand more. A lover in love does not frequently mention his wife in your presence, experiences a feeling of embarrassment about the relationship in which he is harnessed and does not want to make comparisons. The comparisons between you, his beloved and his wife, he does them all right, but not aloud, that's it. Here are 5 signs to watch out for to understand if your lover's feelings towards you are turning into love (and also understand how to regulate yourself based on the feelings you have for him).
A lover in love is present. Even if his role within the family and the figure of his wife fill him with commitments and keep him under control, he always finds time for you. Even for a text message, a lover in love like any man in love does not neglect you. .
A lover in love knows how to listen to you and gives you care and attention. He does everything he can to make you happy and this is not something to be taken for granted, especially if the clandestine relationship has been going on for some time. A man with whom you have shared a relationship made only of sex, who is falling in love, you recognize by what you do together. If before, sex occupied 100% of your meetings, now you find yourself talking for hours, having dinner together, dreaming of long escapes and moments to share. Another sign that can make you understand if your lover is in love with you are programs. If he is fine in the clandestine situation and never talks about changing things, nor does he express his desire to do so in the future, well he is likely to be fine with that situation and that it is not love. If, on the other hand, you make plans together and maybe even try to put them into practice, it could be love. Finally, one last detail not to be underestimated: what he tells you. If he tells you that he loves you and has strong feelings for you, it may or may not be true, but if he never talks about it and doesn't declare himself in love even after months and months, the most likely answer is that maybe he isn't. The statistics say so!

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How does the lover in love behave: and now what do I tell my wife?

Lovers in love don't have an easy task. They have to pretend all the time, they are forced to hide their feelings in public and live in an "eternal expectation that often leads to nothing. Some manage to fill this role for even a long time. But there are people who lose control and who they do not know how to maintain a balance and stability and end up giving up the relationship. Everything depends on the character and personality, on the inner balance of the person and also on his experience and of course it also depends on the emotional situation. If both protagonists of the clandestine relationship are engaged in other relationships, it is easier to understand the needs of the partner and the relationship is more equal. Despite this, only one of the two could be in love with the other, or both could be. Even in the best perspective, that is, that both partners are in love, it is not certain that there will be a happy ending and that the lover will leave everything. It is necessary to deal with the respective families, with the strength to react and change things and inevitably also with social conventions. If, on the other hand, we find ourselves in love (and in fact single) with a married man who already has a family and who has no feelings for us, we will have the feeling of picking up some crumbs and being satisfied with what little or very little that our lover reserves us. And no, it is not a good feeling. Finally, a lot also depends on the time, how many months or how many years things go on between one lover and the other. Time often does not help and ends up making normal even a love story that cannot come out in the open. And even the statistics speak for themselves: after several years it is less likely that a betrayal will turn into a true love story. Then don't say we didn't warn you!
The variants, as you can see, are so many, and then often each story is unique and is also a bit random in itself, although there are behavioral patterns that repeat themselves. And in the end you always suffer because when you joke with love and feelings in the end you get hurt!

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Still wondering how a lover in love behaves? A somewhat uncomfortable truth

We have seen some important signs that can make you understand if there is a change in your clandestine history. Anyway, every woman and every man knows that sooner or later time will clarify everything in terms of feelings. Because those who love want to live with those they love. Full time. In the end, the truth of things is a bit like this too. If your lover loves you, he'll drop everything to be with you and make sure things take a turn for the better for you. If you have a lover, you will leave everything and every previous relationship. Because love is stronger than social conventions and does not allow you to pretend to be a family with a person for whom you no longer feel anything. Men and women, as lovers, if they fall in love, after a more or less long period with which they come to terms with the new reality they choose to live a life together. Because those who love cannot do without you, cannot want to share you with someone else again. When a lover just doesn't think about leaving his wife or husband for you, he just doesn't love you. And the same is if you are damned and tormented in search of a solution: closing a story that no longer works is difficult but giving up on a person you love is much more difficult, if not impossible. This does not mean that your lover does not have deep feelings anyway, especially if the relationship has been going on for years and he is not necessarily a serial traitor: it is affection, esteem, tenderness, complicity. Something that maybe in another situation could have become love, you could have been the perfect woman, but not in this one.

In short, what we are trying to tell you is that those who love choose you. Men in love do this. Women in love do this. Any people in love would do this. And you too, as a lover, in love, would do so. Is there more to say about how a lover in love behaves and how to recognize who is?

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