Regressive hypnosis: what it is and how it works by the psychotherapist

We human beings, our personality, is the effect of a combination of many factors, many of which escape us on a conscious level because they are no longer part of the present. Have you ever had fears, not knowing how to manage them but especially where do they come from or in which part of your mind are they hidden? Or to have absurd dreams and not knowing absolutely why? For example, every dream has a meaning, here are the most common:

Regressive hypnosis allows us to go and recover events from the past (or from previous lives?) With which we have something pending or with which we have a bond in the present that can be annoying or useful to unlock something that makes us feel bad. what is this type of hypnosis and how does it work? Let's find out together!

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Regressive hypnosis: what is it and how does it work?

Milton Erickson, one of the most illustrious psychiatrists of the early 1900s in the field of hypnosis, tells us that hypnosis in itself consists in having a particular and persuasive conversation with the patient who decides to undertake this path, such as to induce total relaxation which leads him into a sort of trance between sleep and wakefulness in which it will then be possible to deal with his own unconscious. For Erickson, in fact, hypnosis was an effective technique to "circumvent" the vigilance of the conscious and get in touch with the unconscious to overcome a person's own psychic problems. Regressive hypnosis has the same basic technique, but the name itself suggests something else: it is called "regressive" because it allows us to progressively regress into the past and go to retrace and deal with those events that led us to a block or a problem. Remembering a "past experience that we haven't thought about for years, during which traumatic things happened, is at the basis of the regression. US psychiatrist Brian Weiss also reports among his first studies that a patient had, during a hypnosis session. regressive, given his previous lives, so this technique also allows us to explore a person's past before this life. The idea of ​​past life regression is also inspired by the theories of other psychiatric scholars: Ian Stevenson, scholar of reincarnation that emotions, sensations and wounds are transferred from one life to another in the form of innate memories; Raymond Moody, known as a student of near death experiences, claims in his articles and books that he obtained information from the past lives of his patients through regressive hypnosis, just like Weiss. In reality, Weiss's theory, as well as all regressive hypnosis, has not been approved by the scientific community so that regression is the result only of the manipulation of the psychiatrist or psychotherapist who guides the session. it is not at all accredited.


What can be done with hypnosis?

According to psychiatrists or psychotherapists who practice it, regressive hypnosis would put us in contact with past experiences (or with previous lives) that have influenced our present at an unconscious level and created problems, fears, phobias or simple difficulties, the object of conversations. in psychotherapy. Of course we are talking about events or memories from the past that have been consciously removed, as Erickson reminds us over the years in his articles, so this trance state between sleep and hypnotic wakefulness is necessary in which to get in touch with the trauma . Progressively remembering past experiences can be complex for a person but also very revealing. According to those who practice it, this methodology allows you to treat anxiety disorders, panic attacks, eating disorders, obsessions and depression. Regression, therefore, would not be a going back to the previous life or simply removed memory, but is functional to overcoming the memory or past trauma to feel good in the present. We remind you that the medical scientific community has not approved regressive hypnosis as a recognized technique, so consult a doctor before relying on this methodology.

Who practices regressive hypnosis?

Regressive hypnosis sessions aim at solving mental problems by removing or overcoming a traumatic memory. But who needs a regressive hypnosis session for psychotherapy? To a physically healthy person who has one of these disorders:

  • eating disorders such as bulimia or anorexia
  • anxiety disorders
  • mood disorders such as depression
  • panic attacks
  • addiction to substances such as alcohol, drugs or tobacco
  • post traumatic stress disorder

The session is not recommended for children and adolescents because they do not have a well-defined personality; to psychotic or suicidal patients; to those suffering from heart or cardiovascular problems and pregnant women because they are more sensitive to strong emotions.
To do a session you must always rely on a qualified professional, who has taken a course in regressive hypnosis and is able to carry out the session in total tranquility and safety. We remind you that it has not been approved by the scientific community as a methodology for treating these disorders.


How long does a hypnosis session last?

Before proceeding with a regression session, it is essential to always first make a psychic evaluation, of the possible patient and of his state of mental and physical health. Generally, 80% of people are suitable for a hypnosis session, but you could be in the 20% who are not or who are highly discouraged. With this premise, a regressive hypnosis session lasts an average of 1 hour, in the Specifically, the first session will last 1 hour and a half, while the following sessions will last approximately 1 hour.The sessions may take place every 15 days or every month depending on the therapist and patient.

How much does a regressive hypnosis session cost?

Once you understand if it is possible to do a hypnotic regression session and which expert to rely on, you will need to know how to orient yourself also among the costs of the session to understand if it can be right for us. The prices in circulation vary a lot according to the place and above all to the specialist you rely on. We remind you that, if you decide to take this path, it is very important that you choose a good and highly qualified psychotherapist or hypnologist. That said, the price of a session of regressive hypnosis varies from 80 euros per session to 150 euros per session. On average, it will take 8 to 10 sessions to complete a complete course, so the overall cost can be quite challenging. There are also videos or audios to do hypnosis alone, but we repeat that it is essential to rely on an expert in every way, because among the hypnotic techniques, this is very complex.


All that can be done with hypnosis

We have seen that during a regressive hypnosis session one enters a trance state in which a person accesses past experiences and memories that have caused trauma which, in turn, has led to disturbances in the present. Some scholars such as Brian Weiss argue that you may discover something from your previous life, but it has not been technically proven on a scientific level. The benefits of this hypnotic technique are therefore functional to the overcoming, in a progressive way and accompanied by psychotherapy sessions, of psychic problems. Specifically, with hypnosis you can:

  • rediscovering forgotten things about oneself
  • to reunite with one's being
  • make peace with the past
  • delve into forgotten aspects
  • rediscover serenity
  • investigate the origin of certain disorders

If you are interested in hypnosis, always rely on an expert who is able to guide you and not manipulate the session!

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