The second month of the baby's life

During the second month, your baby:

It weighs an average of 5 kg and measures 60 cm.

She manages to keep her head straight and turns to the side on her back.

See also

The first month of life of the newborn

20th week of pregnancy for mom and baby - 5th month of pregnancy

16th week of pregnancy for mom and baby - 4th month of pregnancy

Pull the cover towards you, can hold a light object in your hands and follow the objects with your eyes by turning your head.

Discover the joys of bath time.

He is very sensitive to the caresses and massages you give him.

She drinks 700 to 800 ml of breast or formula milk, which is 5 or 6 bottles per day.

His health: medical examinations

Vaccines will punctuate medical visits. Some are mandatory, others are recommended. It is time for the first injection of Pentavalent, which aims to protect it from diphtheria, tetanus, whooping cough, polio, meningitis. These infections pose a considerable risk to your health, which is why this vaccine is indispensable. It consists of three injections administered at monthly intervals, which can also be associated with "immunization against" hepatitis B.

These vaccines can have side effects without consequences. In this case, the doctor may prescribe medicines. The reaction to the sting differs from one child to another. The pediatrician often recommends administering an antipyretic in the evening, before putting the child to bed, to avoid any fever.

The little worries

Your baby probably has colic. They are painful, but normal. Even if she cries loudly, you won't be able to do anything, just avoid alarming yourself. You can comfort him with your caresses. These colic do not last long and generally disappear at the end of the third month.

To avoid redness on the buttocks, change it often, to clean it choose delicate products and specific creams.

It may also happen that your baby has baby acne, but don't worry, it's benign. He may also get eczema on his cheeks, hands, ankles, wrists or elbows. But don't worry, there are creams that allow you to decrease itching. As for crying, sometimes they don't have an obvious reason. They are frequent at the end of the day and allow the child to free himself from the pressures of the day. Do not forget, above all, that crying is his only means of communication.

The progress of the child

Your child's cognitive development and reasoning skills will make great progress. He will do things that seem strange to you (like shouting while he eats), but are not strange to him at all.

In addition, he will stay awake longer and longer and be very receptive. Even though it's still only squealing, it's already learning to speak. Language games are an excellent way to contribute to his growth and create emotional bonds with him. Eventually, the little one will react to your love. It will respond to your smiles with real smiles. These are his first communicative exchanges.

The nursery

If you decide to return to work, you will be able to leave your baby in a daycare at the end of your maternity leave. But be careful: the child is still very young, so you have to reassure him, stay some time with him in the new environment and let him adapt very gradually, always according to your possibilities.

See also:
The 5th week of a baby's life: everything there is to know
The 6th week of a baby's life: all there is to know
The 7th week of a baby's life: all there is to know
The 8th week of a baby's life: everything there is to know
Natural weaning
Foods to avoid while breastfeeding
Artificial breastfeeding

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