
The benefits of jogging

- Improves the physical condition. Jogging is the endurance sport par excellence. By continuously stimulating the cardio-vascular and respiratory systems, it oxygenates the body, improves blood circulation and increases the capacity of the heart and lungs. In the long run, it delays the aging process of muscles, increases bone density, stimulates the immune system and prevents arterial disease.

- Promotes weight loss. Running burns more calories than any other sport: about 500 Kcal / h at an average speed of 10 Km / h. In addition, running at 10 km / h, breathing with relative ease, consumes about 30% of fat in 30 minutes.

- Redraw the silhouette. Jogging is, together with swimming, the most complete of sports. All muscles are used: neck, back, arms, abdomen, buttocks, thighs, calves… Keeping your back straight when the pelvis swings with each stride is also a good training for postural coordination.

- Makes you happy. Physical effort is not negligible, jogging relaxes, relieves stress and relieves anxiety and worries. Among other things, it causes the body to secretion adrenaline and endorphins that promote dynamism, pleasure and well-being, if not euphoria.

The drawbacks

- The beginnings are difficult. When starting out, it's not easy to find the right rhythm. It is hard and you immediately get out of breath. As a result, the first runs often cause such soreness that you are no longer able to climb the stairs ...

- Strains the joints. Each stride multiplies the impact with the ground. This affects the tendons, muscles, joints and back. Beware of microtraumas, especially if you suffer from overweight.

- It can be addictive. When you run at a certain level and with a certain frequency, you get used to weight loss and beneficial hormone secretions. It can thus give rise to an insidious addiction.

The rules to practice it well

- Invest and buy good shoes! It is the most important thing to run! You have to choose according to 4 main criteria: the shape of the foot (normal, flat or arched), cushioning (front or back), safety (non-slip sole, strength of materials) and comfort. Better to get advice from a professional and try several pairs before choosing.

- Go step by step. At the beginning, it is better to go slow, not take the step longer than the leg. You can start by walking quickly for example, or by running for no more than 15 minutes. You need to increase the duration and intensity of the races as you go.

- Warm up. Hard and cold muscles are much more prone to trauma and injury. Before starting to run, walk quickly for a few minutes and while you're at it, do some exercise (heels / buttocks, knee lifts, lunges, arm rotations…).

- Don't neglect recovery. This stage allows you to avoid the famous aches. The program: a progressive return to quiet (a few minutes of walking), gentle and progressive targeted stretching and lots of water.

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