Progesterone in pregnancy: hormone levels, its function and side effects

Progesterone plays an essential role in pregnancy. This steroid hormone is essential both to ensure the regularity of the menstrual cycle (thus favoring conception) and in the first weeks and in the last phase of pregnancy, when it is closely related to the risk of premature birth. First, however, here is a video on things to avoid during pregnancy:

  1. · What are the levels of progesterone in pregnancy?
  2. · When and how is it necessary to take progesterone during pregnancy?
  3. · Progesterone in pregnancy and risk of premature birth
  4. · Side effects

Progesterone is produced by the adrenal cortex and the corpus luteum. During pregnancy it is also produced by the placenta. This important hormone is completely absent in the follicular phase of the menstrual cycle: its levels begin to increase during the luteal phase and lower when the egg is not fertilized by the sperm. Menstruation is determined precisely by the sperm. sudden lowering of progesterone levels when fertilization does not occur.

The role of progesterone in pregnancy is to prepare the uterus to accommodate the embryo and protect it throughout gestation. Its levels continue to rise during pregnancy and this prevents a new ovulation, making the menstrual cycle disappear.

While monitoring progesterone in fertile women can help assess fertility or suspected infertility, in pregnant women measuring this hormone allows you to check whether the fetus is growing. The levels of progesterone in pregnancy help to understand if the gestation is going well: they must not be too high or too low.

Let's find out in more detail the role that progesterone plays in pregnancy, what are the right levels, when and how it is necessary to take it and its possible side effects.

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What are the levels of progesterone in pregnancy?

Progesterone in pregnancy, as we have seen, plays a fundamental role in preparing the uterus and receiving the embryo after conception. This hormone continues to protect the embryo throughout pregnancy by stimulating the supply of blood vessels of the endometrium, making sure that the fetus can receive adequate nourishment and hindering the muscular contractions that could lead the pregnant woman to expel it from the uterus.

By the time the placenta has formed, progesterone production increases and its levels remain high until delivery. During the follicular phase, progesterone levels are very low, while during the luteal phase, levels can range from 1.2 to 15.9 ng / mL. In the first trimester of pregnancy, however, the values ​​must be between 2.8 and 147 pg / mL; in the second trimester of pregnancy between 22 and 95 pg / mL. Finally, in the third trimester of pregnancy, progesterone levels must fall between 28 and 242 pg / mL.

If low progesterone levels are found in the pregnant woman in the first few weeks of pregnancy, the risk of miscarriage may be higher. If the levels are too low before you even get pregnant, conception itself may be difficult. If you have an irregular menstrual cycle, it is best to have a blood test to keep the hormone monitored.

The control of progesterone levels is also important to verify the effectiveness of any fertility therapies, which often include an additional administration of this hormone, which is so important for conception.

When and how is it necessary to take progesterone during pregnancy?

If in the first weeks of pregnancy during the ultrasound there is a slight detachment of the placenta or blood loss occurs, the gynecologist could prescribe progesterone to the pregnant woman: increasing the levels of this hormone, in fact, will favor the implantation of the embryo. in the uterus and its acceptance. But be careful: the decision is up to your doctor, and not everyone agrees on the benefits of this administration, because it could later falsify the diagnoses, not making an abortion that has already occurred to be effective. Trust, therefore, what your doctor proposes!

In the event that you start taking progesterone under medical supervision, the intake will not go beyond the first weeks of pregnancy, those that have a higher risk of miscarriage: you will stop taking the hormone when the placenta is able to produce it by itself.

The progesterone preparations that are on the market work in continuous release, allowing the body to use the hormone according to its needs.Administration can take the form of vaginal cream for topical use, in the form of ovules to be taken vaginally, tablets to be taken orally or solutions for intramuscular injections.

The vaginal ovules are the most common: they are inserted directly into the vagina and this minimizes the side effects of the drug, allowing greater absorption of the hormone and not straining the liver.

Progesterone in pregnancy and the risk of premature birth

Progesterone in pregnancy is very useful in preventing the risk of premature birth. It is administered to the pregnant woman, in fact, in case of multiple uterine contractions (the so-called "hypercontractility") which can lead to premature birth. In these cases, progesterone is able to relax the muscles of the uterus, eliminating contractions.

According to numerous studies, the administration of progesterone would also help in the case of pregnancies at risk because they are threatened by lutein deficiency and immunological factors. Finally, it is also very useful for delaying childbirth in women with the threat of premature birth and when labor has already begun.

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Side effects

The side effects of taking progesterone can be different. Among the most common are migraines and headaches, insomnia and irritability, nausea and dizziness, changes in libido and menstrual disturbances or vaginal discharge, acne or hives. In some cases it can even lead to pain. in the lower abdomen area.It may also lead to slight weight gain and water retention.

We remind you that progesterone can only be taken during the first trimester of pregnancy: in the following trimesters it could lead to cholestatic jaundice or hepatocellular diseases and should be evaluated with your doctor as appropriate.

For more information on progesterone in pregnancy, you can consult the Humanitas website.

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