Postural gymnastics: the exercises to do every day to feel good

In Italy, back, neck, cervical and shoulder pain affect about 15 million people and these pains have a multifactorial genesis, in which ligaments, joints, fascias, tendons, vertebrae, intervertebral discs, nerves and muscles.

The cause is mainly attributable to our lifestyle, increasingly sedentary and linked to work, to the desk and to the PC which forces us into unnatural positions and which in the long run lead to incorrect posture.

To avoid suffering from these disorders, postural gymnastics, to be done daily, and followed by streching movements like these are very useful.

Postural exercises for the back

Going into the specifics of postural exercises, those most suitable for the back involve a series of flexions and muscle stretches to ensure that the spine maintains a correct position and the vertebrae do not crush.

For example, an exercise that you can do is to lie down on the ground, with your arms extended at your sides and your legs bent. From this position, lift the pelvis, keeping the soles of the feet, arms, shoulders and head firmly fixed to the floor and, with your hands, if you can, attach yourself to the ankles. Arching yourself in this way will promote relaxation of the back muscles and increase the elasticity of the spine.

See also

Pelvic gymnastics: exercises for the female and male pelvic floor

Kegel exercises for women and men: how they are done and how they work

5 exercises to do during the day for buttocks of steel!

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Postural exercises for the shoulders

An "incorrect postural habit is not only wrong in itself but progressively makes us more exposed to shoulder injuries. According to the National Academy of Sports Medicine (NASM), people with rounded shoulders (because they are often kept curved) are strongly at risk of tendonitis of the long head of the brachial biceps, frequent pains in the chest and also of headache.

An easy exercise that you can do to avoid these ailments consists in stretching and stretching the arms, upwards, sideways and downwards, to be performed slowly and maintaining the position for at least 15 seconds on each side. Relax your arms for about 30 seconds and start over for at least 5 sets.

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Postural exercises for the cervical

Physical exercises for the neck are a solution used in many neck pain treatment programs. Neck therapy includes a combination of stretching, muscle strengthening, aerobic training and trigger point work (a hard and painful portion of muscle or fascia).

If performed correctly and consistently, these exercises can significantly help increase the range of motion of the cervical vertebrae and strengthen the supporting muscles.

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One of the most effective postural exercises to combat neck pain bends the first two vertebrae forward and extends the middle and lower cervical, helping to develop a good postural position.

The first time you perform the exercise it is recommended to take the following position:
- locks the spine against a door at the back
- remove your feet about 3 centimeters from the door
- keep the spine locked against the door, and bring your head back until the back of your head touches the door
- keep your head against the door for 5 seconds
- repeat this gesture ten times.

After performing this exercise using the door for about ten repetitions, you begin to repeat the movement standing or sitting, until you can do it practically anywhere, at the desk or even in the car, and several times a day.

However, if the pain does not go away and, on the contrary, worsens causing dizziness and back pain, it is good to contact an osteopath who will know where to put your hands and will advise you on the most suitable exercises to solve your specific problem.

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