Phrases about fear: quotes about man's oldest emotion

That of fear is not only the oldest sensation of "man, but of every living being. Over the centuries, it has allowed us to survive, recognizing any kind of danger and avoiding it. However, we can be afraid for various reasons: c" it is who fears death, who is dark, who is height and who stills love. Yes, it might surprise you, but the fear of love takes the name of philophobia and many more people suffer from it than you can imagine.

Whatever your fear is, we have collected the most beautiful and exciting phrases of the great authors who tell us about it with all its facets.

See also

Handshake: the ancient form of greeting now (almost) banned

Phrases about lightness: all the most beautiful quotes!

Peter Pan syndrome: how to recognize the fear of growing up

Aphorisms about the fear of the unknown

Getting out of your comfort zone can be scary. The unknown, in fact, is probably one of the things that man has always feared the most. There are those who, faced with a change, feel stimulation and adrenaline and those who, on the other hand, withdraw into themselves doubting their abilities.

The only permanent emotion of an inferior man is fear - fear of the unknown, of the complex, of the inexplicable. What he wants above all else is security.
Henry Louis Mencken

The most ancient and powerful human emotion is fear, and the most ancient and powerful fear is the fear of the unknown.
Howard Phillips Lovecraft

Change means movement. Movement means friction. Movement or change without friction or conflict belongs only to the void represented by an abstract world that does not exist.
Saul Alinsky

The origin of fear is in the future, and those who have freed themselves from the future no longer have anything to fear.
Milan Kundera

The most beautiful quotes about fear as an obstacle to life

Whatever kind of fear is, if left unaddressed, it can become a serious block to one's personal happiness and growth. Here are the phrases that reflect on this issue, highlighting how a life spent in fear is a life not lived entirely.

Too many of us are not living their dreams because they are living their fears.

There is so much superstition and hypocrisy around that one is afraid even to act righteously. But if you give space to fear, you end up having to repress the truth as well. The golden rule is to act fearlessly in what is considered right.

Fear is the most difficult emotion to manage. Pain is crying, anger is screaming, but fear clings silently to the heart.
Gregory David Roberts

A life lived in fear is a life lived in half.
Baz Luhrmann

The biggest mistake in life is always being afraid of making mistakes.
Elbert Hubbard

Doubt and fear lead to failure. When you think negatively your attitude leads you to failure. Thoughts crystallize into habits and habits solidify into circumstances.
Bryan Adams

Fear is the dark room where the negative develops.

We are all afraid. The difference lies in the question: fear of what?
Frank Thiess

You block your dream when you allow your fear to grow more than your faith.
Maria Manin Morrissey

The fear of danger is ten thousand times more frightening than the real danger, when it actually presents itself before our eyes; and anxiety is a much more serious torture to endure than the very misfortune we are anxious about.
Daniel Defoe

Fear can take you prisoner. Hope can set you free.
From the movie The wings of Freedom

Fear is without reason. It is imagination, and it blocks you like a wooden stake can block a door. Burn that stake.

Fear has never led anyone to the top.
Publilius Syrus

How much pain all those fears have cost us that have never been realized.
Thomas Jefferson

If there is a solution, why are you worried? If there is no solution, why are you worried?

I am afraid of fear; fear of the spasms of my raving spirit, fear of this horrible feeling of incomprehensible terror. I'm afraid of walls, furniture, familiar objects that come alive with a kind of animal life. I am afraid above all of the disorder of my thoughts, of the reason that escapes me clouded, dispersed by a mysterious anguish.
Guy de Maupassant

The enemy is fear. It is thought to be hatred; but, it is fear.
Mahatma Gandhi

True freedom is not doing what we like, but living as creatures free from fear.
Susanna Tamaro

We can forgive a child when he is afraid of the dark. The real tragedy of life is when a man is afraid of the light.

Man's greatest enemy is fear, which appears in such different forms as shame, jealousy, anger, insolence, arrogance ... What is the cause of fear? Lack of self-confidence.
Svami Prajnanapada

There are many things in the world that scare us. But there are many more things in our imagination that scare us.
Frederick W. Cropp

Only one thing makes a dream impossible: the fear of failure.
Paulo Coelho

Phrases about the fear of love

As already mentioned, this fear takes the technical name of philophobia. The reasons why people fear love are different and are told in this way in the aphorisms of the great authors.

There are two fundamental driving forces: fear and love. When we are afraid, we withdraw back from life. When we are in love, we open up to everything that life has to offer with passion, enthusiasm, and acceptance.
John Lennon

Since love and fear can hardly coexist, if we have to choose between one of the two, it is much safer to be feared than loved.
Niccolo Machiavelli

We don't say "I'm afraid to love".
They say "I am afraid of discovering that I like someone so much that I could fall in love with them so strongly that I give up a part of myself".
Fabrizio Caramagna

He remembered that he was afraid of falling in love precisely because of this agonizing pain of waiting.
Orhan Pamuk

The absence of fear is the sine qua non for the development of the other noble qualities. How can you seek the truth or caress Love without being intrepid?

Refusing to love for fear of suffering is like refusing to live for fear of dying.

Love drives away fear and, reciprocally, fear drives away love. And fear doesn't just defeat love; even intelligence, goodness, all thoughts of beauty and truth, are only mute despair; and, finally, fear comes to expel man from humanity itself.
Aldous Huxley

I am not afraid of death, but I am afraid of love.
Alda Merini

The best aphorisms about the fear of death

Man's primary fear is precisely this, that of death. Every living being has it inherent in his DNA and comes to terms with it in different ways: by running away or facing it.

Whatever its form, its modality, whatever its appearance, its name, every fear is oriented towards death. If you go deep, you will find that you are afraid of death.

Only those who are afraid die doing shit like walking on a bridge. If you don't give a damn about dying, you can rest assured that you don't fall. Death takes it out on the fearful.
Niccolò Ammaniti

Some of you and myself may not live to see the sun rise over those mountains, but I tell you, what every warrior has known since the dawn of time ... Overcome fear and I promise you will conquer death!
From the movie Alexander

Don't live with the fear of dying, but die with the joy of having lived.
Jim Morrison

Quotes about fear and courage

Fear and courage are two sides of the same coin. By setting aside the first, our most reckless soul is left to act. For some writers, however, sometimes courage is revealed precisely in "admitting that they are not invincible.

One day fear knocked on the door. Courage went to open and found no one.
Martin Luther King Jr

I have courage. It's the fear that I care about.

It always takes someone to hate to feel justified in their own misery. Nothing gives more courage to the fearful than the fear of others.
Umberto Eco

Life shrinks or expands in proportion to our courage.
Anais Nin

Why are there so many fears and there is only one courage?
Fulvio Fiori

Fear is unhappiness, but therefore courage is not happiness, it is instead a lack of fear, not courage, which perhaps requires more than energy.
Franz Kafka

The mistake that all men have always made. Try to show yourself strong and contemptuous and winners when perhaps it is enough to have the courage to bow your head and say: I'm afraid.
Giorgio Faletti

Courage is made of fear.
Oriana Fallaci

The most beautiful phrases on how to overcome fear

How to defeat once and for all your fear and the feelings of despair it creates? To do this, it takes time and patience. Share what scares you with those you trust the most and take small steps to tackle what now seems insurmountable to you. Little by little, you will see your fear diminish as well as the effects it entailed.

Advice that I once heard a young man say: "Always do what you are afraid to do".
Ralph Waldo Emerson

I don't have to be afraid. Fear kills the mind. Fear is the little death that brings with it total cancellation. I will face my fear. I will allow you to step on me and through me. And when it is over, I will open my inner eye and scrutinize its path. Where fear goes, there will be nothing left. Only I will be there.
From the movie Dunes

Overcoming fear and worry can be achieved by living one day at a time or even a moment at a time. Your fears will be reduced to nothing.
Anthony Robbins

But always remember that monsters don't die.
What dies is the fear they instill in you.
Cesare Pavese

Learn to laugh at your failures and fears, you will no longer be afraid of them and you will be esteemed by others.
Andrea Gasparino

All you want is on the other side of fear.
Jack Canfield

Among the things that it is wonderful to stop being afraid of is freely telling someone how much you have missed and still miss you.

Do one thing that scares you at least once a day.
Eleanor Roosevelt

Phrases about fear