Phrases about arrogance: a collection of themed aphorisms

Arrogance provides a sense of superiority towards others, manifested through constant disdain and haughtiness. The origin of the term arrogance is from the Latin to draw up that is, literally appropriating what one cannot claim rights over.

Often and willingly, those who manifest an arrogant attitude do so to hide a great basic insecurity as well as a false belief in themselves.

One of the things you can do to unmask an arrogant is to study his gestures: sometimes it is the body that speaks much more than the mouth. Here is a video with 7 tricks to understand body language.

Aphorisms, phrases and thoughts about arrogance are found almost everywhere. Famous people, writers, actors, philosophers and singers often and willingly mention arrogance in their works. We have tried to report below the most interesting aphorisms and phrases by dividing them by categories.

Quotes by famous people, singers and songwriters who use arrogance in the verses of their songs, sports champions who have brought back ideas about arrogance in their interviews; finally, arrogance-themed phrases from famous writers, actresses and authors.

In short, there is something for everyone: the idea is to reflect on the phenomenon of arrogance to learn how to manage it.

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Phrases on arrogance: authors, writers, poets

The arrogance that comes with age must be appeased by the teaching of youth. EDMUND BURKE

Arrogance is too often the companion of excellence. ARTHUR BLOCH

Arrogance is limited only to words. TITO LIVIO

Regarding arrogance, the violent suffer it, but the wise men mock it. TITO LIVIO

I have a dream before me that one day even the state of Mississippi, a state filled with the "arrogance of" injustice, filled with the "arrogance of" oppression, will turn into an "oasis of freedom and justice."

The prodigal is arrogant and the miser is mean. Meanness is preferable to arrogance. CONFUCIUS

Man in his arrogance believes himself to be a great work, worthy of a divine creation. More humble, I think it is more correct to consider him a descendant of animals. CHARLES DARWIN

The absence of fear does not mean arrogance or aggression. The latter is itself a sign of fear. The absence of fear presupposes the calm and peace of the soul. For it it is necessary to have a living faith in God. GANDHI

Eternal flower. Supplication of the sigh. | Grand, divine, nerve-wracking flower | flower of faun and Christian virgin, | furious and thundering Venus flower, | heavenly and calming Marian flower, | the flower that is life and blue fountain | of youthful and arrogant love | which in its glass illuminates anxieties. FEDERICO GARCIA LORCA

I certainly don't hope to catch the killers at a roadblock, but the presence of the state must be visible, the mafia arrogance must stop. CARLO ALBERTO DALLA CHIESA

The superior man is self-confident without being arrogant; the lowly man is arrogant but insecure. CONFUCIUS

A good leader can commit to starting a debate frankly and accurately, knowing that eventually he and the other side will have to be closer in the end, and therefore, both emerge stronger than before. You don't have this idea when you are arrogant, superficial and uninformed. NELSON MANDELA

The phrases about arrogance from famous women

Nature is all arrogant, it is direct stuff of the Lord, and rightly there is a bit of arrogance. MARGARET MAZZANTINI

The bitter discovery that God does not exist killed the word destiny. But denying destiny is arrogance, saying that we are the only architects of our existence is madness: if you deny destiny, life becomes a series of lost opportunities, a regret of what has not been and could have been, a remorse of what is not done and could have done, and wastes the present by making it "another missed opportunity." ORIANA FALLACI

Perfume, furs, fine linen, jewels: the luxurious arrogance of a world where there is no room for death; but it remained lurking behind that facade, in the greyish secret of clinics, hospitals, closed rooms. SIMONE DE BEAUVOIR

No one is more arrogant, aggressive and disdainful in front of women than a man who is unsure of his own virility. SIMONE DE BEAUVOIR

There was a time when I was really arrogant. I thought the only person who had better ideas than mine was William Wallace. ANGELINA JOLIE

I had a certain curiosity towards the left. But then I was confronted with an environment that had no respect for those who thought differently. Arrogance ... we are the democrats ... we are the ones for peace we ... the good and good ones are us. And if you don't think like us we will spit in your face! GIORGIA MELONI

Of all the Palestinians I met, Arafat remains the one who impressed me least of all. Or should I say what I liked least of all? One thing is certain: he is not a man born to please. He is a man born to irritate. Feeling sympathy for him is difficult. First of all, for the silent refusal he opposes to anyone who tries a human approach: his friendliness is superficial, his kindness is formal, and nothing is enough to make him hostile, cold, arrogant. He only gets hot when he gets angry. ORIANA FALLACI

Famous characters and phrases about arrogance

They all had the same expression on their faces, a mixture between the arrogance of those who feel free to be themselves to the point of destroying themselves and the bitter resignation of those who look around and see nothing everywhere. GIORGIO FALETTI

It is not an arrogant government that chooses priorities. It is irresponsible that he fails to choose them. TONY BLAIR

Respect for the word is the foundation of the law. We will therefore fight the battles that we have always fought in defense of the honesty, transparency and poverty that we have always practiced against the arrogance of the too rich and the bosses. MARCO PANNELLA

Perhaps this is the reason why many journalists become arrogant and presumptuous when they are old: for the humiliations they had to swallow at the beginning of the profession. VITTORIO ZUCCONI

Stalin is too arrogant and this defect, which can be tolerated among us and in relations between Communists, is not tolerable in those who occupy the post of Secretary General. Therefore I propose that the comrades look into the possibility of removing Stalin from such office and replacing him with another man who, first of all, differs from Stalin in only one dowry, that is, greater tolerance, greater loyalty, greater kindness, greater kindness. greater consideration for companions, a less capricious temperament. LENIN

Hypocritical and arrogant, Enzo Biagi gives a fool to those who study his place in the schedule ... Biagi is a sacred monster of his business and a hypocrite. He says he wants to continue to be the witness of his time, telling stories, and not the protagonist of a personal case. In the meantime, however, he blows on the fire, restricts any space for mediation, points to the charisma of the martyr, and gives breath to the trumpet, or rather to the trombone: they drive me out, they move me from my schedule, they are freedmen. And arrogant: in fact, Biagi says that he is a behavior from "cretinì to move a comma or a" now his little program on Rai1, and treats with contempt and unbearable haughtiness the mild Fabrizio Del Noce. GIULIANO FERRARA

Phrases on arrogance from sportsmen

I don't like exasperation, controversy, trials, arrogance, stupidity, oblivion in the world of football. We mixed our loneliness. Today footballers do it much less. This world has given work to many, but many take themselves too seriously. Yet you do a job that you like, they give you a lot of money, you are privileged. Live a life that is not normal CESARE PRANDELLI

What happened to me has given me a popularity that transcends what a sportsman can achieve in life. This gave me the opportunity to try because when BMW Italia decided to support me in the company, it was obviously also attracted by the media exposure that I was able to guarantee. However, having reached the maximum sporting result together against able-bodied professional riders means that both I and they believed this goal to be achievable and we are committed body and soul to it. I therefore have the arrogance to think that putting everyone behind again on occasion is much more linked to the talent we were able to express rather than my popularity. ALEX ZANARDI

Every now and then he is a bit pathetic (referring to Josè Mourinho), he always repeats the same things; he is very good, but behind his arrogance he hides some insecurities. MASSIMILIANO ALLEGRI

I always had this feeling, even when I was playing, you felt that I was giving it my all, that I was looking for a square, to put the pieces together, even in life. I put passion, desire, training into it, even in my mistakes. I was disturbed, but you seemed to ignore it. I gave the idea of ​​an arrogant bully, I was just full of anxieties. There are people who are reborn inside the camp, become a lion, finally feel good, but I was sick like dogs. A delay was enough for the rain and I was already falling into confusion, doubts and uncertainties came to me. It was bad to live like this, indeed to suffer. ANDRE AGASSI

Phrases and quotes on arrogance taken from film dialogues

Dexter: I'm the king of arrogant television!
Emma: But you are the king!
Dexter: I'm so much better when you're around!
From the movie: ONE DAY

How arrogant we are, right? We are so afraid of getting old that we go to great lengths to avoid it. We don't realize what a privilege it is to grow old with someone. Someone who ... who doesn't push you to commit murder. DANIEL CONNELLY
From the movie: P.S. I Love You

Kenitchi: What does the name "Ziggurat" mean?
Atlas: That was the name of the towers that were erected in ancient Babylon. The most famous of all was the Tower of Babel, and you will know what its end was ... «The arrogant ruler of Babylon unleashed the wrath of God who destroyed the Tower ». History repeats itself: Duke Red is also marked by the same fate. This time, however, the tower will not be destroyed by God's sphere ... But by our own hands.
From the movie: METROPOLIS

[Speaking of Pai Mei]
No, he doesn't teach anyone the five-finger blast heart technique. Listen, one of the things I've always liked about you is that you're wiser than your age would suggest, so let me give a advice to those who are wise .. Whatever .. whatever Pai Mei says, obey.If you show even for a single moment a defiant look it will gouge your eyes out and if that American "arrogance" appears on your face it will break your back and neck as if they were twigs. And the end of the story.
From the movie: Kill Bill vol. 2

Aphorisms about arrogance in songs

It is not arrogance. We truly believe we are the best band in the world. NOEL GALLAGHER

Rock is not arrogance, but a bit of boastiness, yes ... "And I'll make you love, you know, like no one has ever done to you." It is clear that we are not like that. Who is capable of being like this? But since women would like us this way, we at least please them on stage. Elvis Presley invented this thing, he was perfect. VASCO ROSSI

We are the ass on the chair, the drama, the comedy | the easy remedy; | We are the arrogance that is not afraid | we are the ones you don't have to ask for an invoice! LUCIANO LIGABUE

And I'm arrogant | And I don't care if you're no longer on my side | It is not important | And I'm arrogant | All the times you were here and I put you aside | It's not important. IRAMA

More arrogance-themed aphorisms with a touch of satire

If you come to see me, you will have the opportunity to learn to live, with humility, with intensity, and with all the words that end in è. You will learn to drive the Porsche at three hundred per hour without getting a fine. You will learn to keep away the arrogance with the scent of humility of my Aunt Zamberla, who collects her herbs folded in the ditches, to live making a show, but above all, you will learn to be wary of Cristian Panucci.

I am number one in the world. Unless that changes soon, I have a right to be arrogant.

Your arrogance will be the spanner in your wheel. [In an episode of MasterChef]

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