Boutonniere meaning: button panel or single flower on the occasion of your wedding?

The "flower all" expression derives from the classic button panel on the occasion of the wedding and is transformed into a saying capable of evoking pride and prestige in many contexts. In short, the flower becomes a small distinctive sign, to be exhibited. Did you know that depending on the flower you use in the buttonhole you want to communicate something different? Watch the video we have selected for you and become a true expert in the language of flowers too!

What is the buttonhole and what is the meaning of the buttonhole flower according to tradition

In Italian, eyelet is a term that has different meanings and ranges from typographic to nautical language. Its main meaning, however, as Treccani teaches us, is that of Hole, often edged or reinforced with a metal ring, which is made in fabrics, leathers, cardboard, etc., in order to be able to pass bindings, buckle hooks, laces or other.
C "is more, again according to the well-known encyclopedia of the Italian language, with the phrase all" eyelet means specifically the one applied on the left lapel of the jacket: not one of the many eyelets, in short, but precisely the one where men are used to thread a flower, always according to this typical saying still used. Since then this habit has meant that a metaphorical saying was born and that the expression "flower in the buttonhole" was used not only to indicate the flower in the lapel of the jacket but also to indicate something else, what that flower in a certain sense represents. and symbolizes.
Read on to discover all the curiosities related to this famous periphrasis!

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Fore all "eyelet and wedding: the meaning of the flower in the lapel of the male jacket

As we have seen, there are many eyelets. Many people put on a button, but only in the one to the left of the jacket do you put a flower. This habit stems from the desire to give something more to an elegant dress, a touch of grace and refinement that adds to the beauty of the tailored suit, making it even more perfect. When you think of a flower in the buttonhole, you always think of the marriage: because the habit of placing a flower in the left buttonhole of the jacket is typical of those who get married (of the groom and of the male family members closest to the groom). The flower in the buttonhole in this sense should be understood as a completion of the dress and also something to show off, to go flowers: a motif of luster and pride!
The meaning of this expression therefore easily leads back to the world of marriage and to that pinch of ostentatious elegance that we are pleased to exhibit. The buttonhole flower worn by the groom and witnesses is called a buttonhole: in French boutonniere and can undoubtedly be considered the masculine alternative of the bride's bouquet to which it is always connected both in the colors and in the type of flowers and decorations used.
The button panel is a real must of the wedding to wear on the occasion of the wedding. But it is not so famous only in our country: it is also a British custom and generally appreciated all over the world.

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What is the difference between boutonniere and flower in the buttonhole?

The button panel, also called boutonnière, is a small detail and is made up of 2 or 3 flowers, worn by the groom, best man and close relatives invited close to the couple (a father or a witness can put it, for example). When we talk about the flower in the buttonhole instead we mean a single flower stolen from the bride's bouquet: while the button panel is almost a bouquet but it can also be devoid of flowers (with red chillies or ears of wheat, just to give some natural examples but not floral). It is essential that the flower in the buttonhole and any other decoration be in harmony with the bride's flowers and with the colors of the groom's suit. A little quirk sees the boutonnière for the groom different from that of the other male guests , a little more evident and memorable. This refined habit has a decidedly noble origin: it dates back to the French Revolution, when the imprisoned Queen Marie Antoinette received a secret visit from the knight of Rougeville who tried in every way to make her escape from prison by giving her a hidden message in the red carnation that he had pinned himself to his jacket. The flower in the buttonhole is a noble symbol, of luster and elegance: a sign to be recognized in the crowd!

And which one do you think to choose on the occasion of your wedding: do you prefer to follow the tradition of the single flower or do you think of choosing a button panel according to the latest wedding trends?

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Three cases in which you should not put the flower in the buttonhole

We have seen how the flower in the buttonhole is a quirk of elegance and gives refinement and style to the men's suit. However, there are exceptions, cases in which the buttonhole flower should absolutely NOT be worn. For example on a uniform, if the man at the wedding is in a buttoned uniform and buttonhole flower they are definitely wrong and could have a meaning of sloppiness. and disorder. Another case in which it is better not to wear it is when the man points on a Korean jacket: without a lapel, in short, no flower is necessary and not even elegant. Better to give up! The "suit of the groom or of a" tight "guest already includes the handkerchief in the pocket: for no reason also to insert the flower, it is definitely too much!

The metaphorical meaning of the expression "flagship"

With the advancement of the metaphor, the button panel, or rather we should say the flagship, has taken on different meanings even within sentences in contexts very far from that of the wedding. In the workplace, personal or family, the flagship has a different meaning. It is a source of pride, of boasting: in short, something to be very proud of! Also valid is the meaning used by this phrase, the flagship in fact, to refer to a work, an event or a particularly capable or gifted person.

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