Making love at first sight last

Distinguish dream from reality

In this moment, a strong and full feeling pervades you, which alters your critical sense and your ability to judge. You inevitably tend to idealize everything, your he is beautiful, intelligent, sensitive, attentive ... in short, he is perfect! Try to distance yourself from what happens to you, to protect yourself from disappointments. What are its true qualities? Test them with discretion. Analyze her reactions in different situations, trying to remain objective. You will avoid being wrong about him and will build your relationship on a very good basis.

Take your time

See also

Love at first sight: how to recognize love at first sight

What to talk about with a girl: the right topics and the right questions eg

Infinite love: when love lasts forever

With him everything is fine, you feel satisfied and happy. He is the man in your life, the one with whom you want to build the future. However, plan on slowly: moving in together, having a baby, getting married ... take the time to make the magic of love last. For example, you could plan a vacation together, so that you have the opportunity to discover each other and to test your couple.

Carpe Diem

Fully enjoy your moment of happiness, you are experiencing something fabulous, you have to take advantage of it! Don't ask too many questions like "do I really satisfy him?". Trust yourself and listen to your new love. Don't start talking to him about your ex, the past is over! Sure, you don't have to forget your previous stories, but you also don't have to ruin everything by openly comparing your new lover with your latest conquests.Otherwise, the magic is in danger of disappearing.

Stay yourself

Unbounded love and passion can be destructive. Don't neglect your friends, life, or job because of your new partner. When you experience love at first sight, you tend to forget the rest of the world. The wants and needs of the person you love seem more important than yours. But, over time, this attitude can turn negative. So, don't change hoping to satisfy him more: try to always remain yourself, because that's how you conquered him.

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