5 myths about female orgasm definitely worth debunking!

The female orgasm for some of us (perhaps still too many) is like a sort of ascent of Everest: difficult and at times unattainable. Even if over the years the theme has become more within everyone's reach, it is still tiring for many of us to let go, which is why a series of false myths have been created about it that perhaps it would be better to dispel to allow us to live more peacefully and our sexuality freely. Let's start with a video that can show you some tips on this, look here:

1. Every relationship must end with orgasm

The goal of sexual intercourse is not orgasm, although this is the highest peak recognized, it does not mean that we should obsess about reaching it. Instrumentalizing the act in search of this unique form of pleasure, is not only reductive, but also not very gratifying as it is not certain that it can always be reached. Making orgasm one of the possibilities of intercourse will help you to focus on your pleasure, and therefore to reach the goal naturally and to enjoy every nuance in your pleasure travels.

See also

The best positions to achieve female orgasm

Anal orgasm: a new frontier of female pleasure

What happens when women have an orgasm (before and after) Loading ...


2. Position does not count for orgasm

The position is important to be able to stimulate the clitoris, the main source of the female orgasm. So it is not to overlook how you intend to get to your cup, yet: each person is unique, so feel free to experiment and choose the position that best suits your needs.

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3. Penetration guarantees orgasm

False: penetration is not the best way to achieve female orgasm. Female orgasm is best achieved through direct stimulation of the clitoris, as only 30% of women are able to reach the heights of pleasure with penetration alone. Without a clitoris it is as if the party does not have a DJ, since most of the nerve endings dedicated to pleasure are located right in the clitoris (there are more than 8000 nerve endings at that point!).

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4. You can reach orgasm in minutes

What is the difference between having a drink calmly savoring it and having a drink in a few seconds? prevents us from feeling pleasure for an action we are carrying out but the most likely thing is that we will be drunk in a few seconds and with our brains frozen by the ice in the glass. This is to say because when we make love, regardless of our pleasure it has need some time to process, by mind and body ... but if that's not enough: it's scientifically proven that most women need an average of 20 minutes (including foreplay) to reach the heights of pleasure.

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5. You can't fake orgasm

Sure you can. It's unclear why this is done, to please the partner most of the time, but in the end who are we kidding? Many women still can't experience orgasm, but it doesn't have to be a limit. Being able to explore your body is not a luxury for a few, but a right we have towards ourselves. The normal predisposition of our body is towards enjoyment. . We deserve to know where we can get from, why pretend we know destinations we haven't really explored yet? Pretending for others, or for yourself, remains a lie, which makes your relationship untrue, with your partner and with you. same: you don't deserve it.

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And if a few more tips were needed for your pleasure, we have collected a few ...

Tags:  Fashion Old-Test - Psyche Parenthood