Side Effects of the Pill: 5 Remedies to Reduce Discomfort

In collaboration with Lo.Li. Pharma

26% of women who use the contraceptive pill experience discomfort such as breast tenderness, migraine, water retention, decreased libido and weight gain.This is due to the presence in the pill of two hormones, estrogen and progestin, whose daily intake inhibits the hormonal events that induce ovulation (thus preventing pregnancy) but at the same time can cause a series of collateral disorders, especially in first months when the body has to adapt. Obviously this does not mean that the contraceptive pill is dangerous, quite the opposite, provided however that you follow the doctor's instructions scrupulously and regularly make the required checks, contacting your gynecologist immediately in case of persistent discomfort over time.
In fact, there are several remedies for the side effects of the pill that allow you to continue using it without experiencing further ailments. Let's find out some of them.

Before reading, here are some tips if you decide to start taking the birth control pill. However, we remind you to always consult your doctor.

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How to reduce the side effects of the pill: use of supplements

When asked "how to reduce the side effects of the pill" many doctors respond by recommending the use of specific dietary supplements that make up for the nutritional deficiencies of women taking contraceptives. Scientific studies have shown that the contraceptive pill influences the absorption and metabolism of vitamins and minerals (such as vitamins B2, B12, B6, E, C, selenium, zinc and magnesium), and the insufficiency of these substances, essential for the well-being of women of childbearing age, risks developing cardiovascular problems, hypovitaminosis, increased of oxidative stress, complications during pregnancy, platelet hyperactivity and hyperhomocysteinemia.

Among the supplements available in pharmacies there is Zyxelle, a food supplement based on vitamins ((folic acid, vitamin C, E, B2, B6, B12), minerals (magnesium, zinc and selenium) and centella asiatica which, between other things, counteracts the imperfections of cellulite (possible weight gain is perhaps the most "feared" of the side effects of the pill), reduces physical and mental fatigue, controls homocysteine ​​metabolism and helps rekindle the dull complexion of skin, nails and hair making them stronger. The supplement should be taken once a day, in the morning or together with the pill, for the entire duration of the hormonal intake and in any case for no less than two months.

A healthy lifestyle to eliminate pill water retention

Water retention is a frequent disorder especially among women and which mainly affects legs, thighs and buttocks, leading to an annoying sense of heaviness and swelling, as well as cellulite and liquid stagnation. Among the causes of water retention there is also the use of the contraceptive pill, since hormonal changes can negatively affect hydration, retaining fluids and causing abdominal swelling and heaviness in the belly and legs in particular.
To reduce or, better still, eliminate water retention from pills, the best advice is always to follow a healthier lifestyle: a "correct and balanced diet (follow a varied diet, reduce portions, drink enough water, giving up too elaborate condiments and foods with a high glycemic index, keeping the metabolism always active, etc.) accompanied by regular sports activity (dedicating at least 30/40 minutes a day to movement, for at least 5 days a week) are an excellent method to solve the problem.
The same solutions are also good for pill swelling: the remedies are similar.

Drop in libido and vaginal dryness due to the contraceptive pill: the remedies

The decrease in libido and vaginal dryness are other possible inconveniences caused by the use of the contraceptive pill: the remedies, however, are definitely valid. The contraceptive pill, like many other hormone-based contraceptives, slows the production of testosterone, with important benefits against against acne and excess hair. Testosterone, however, also governs the sexual desire of men and women, and by decreasing its production there is the risk that desire and lubrication will also disappear, with all the related consequences . What to do in these cases?
In the case of dryness, it can be remedied by using moisturizing vaginal lubricants to be applied before intercourse, or moisturizing creams (to be applied instead of away from intercourse) capable of making the tissues healthier and restoring their correct consistency. Depending on the circumstances and the duration of the annoying side effect, the gynecologist may also prescribe a contraceptive pill with different hormonal dosages or even stop the drug.
As for the decrease in libido due to the contraceptive pill, the problem can be circumvented with the use of stimulant supplements or with increased physical activity (a remedy, as we have seen, which is always good): practicing sports causes the release of substances in the nervous system such as the neurotransmitters endorphin and dopamine which increase mood and stimulate sexual desire.

Contraceptive pill: remedies against the onset of constipation

Constipation is not one of the most common side effects of the contraceptive pill, but it can still occur especially if the pill contains drospirenone, a latest generation progestin that promotes diuresis, i.e. the elimination of liquids, counteracting water retention and other disorders but sometimes bringing others, such as constipation. Do not worry, however, because even for this discomfort there are remedies, which in this case consist of "increasing the amount of water you drink, keeping stress at bay, changing your diet by introducing more fiber and probiotics, and finally doing some healthy physical activity with continuity.

Natural remedies against the effects of the pill

Since the contraceptive pill makes the liver "work" a lot, there is a risk of a metabolic slowdown resulting in weight gain, swelling and other unwanted effects. It could therefore prove very useful to drain the organ and lighten its task by l " intake of herbs, medical plants and other natural foods.
In particular, the use of the pill can be "tempered" with mother tinctures, infusions or herbal teas based on milk thistle, dandelion and artichoke (which purify the liver), thuya and witch hazel vrginiana (cellulite and swelling) and carbonic limestone (excellent remedy against fatigue), all available in herbal medicine.

For more information on the side effects of the pill, you can consult the Humanitas Health website.

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