Lightning diet: the diet for those in a hurry to lose weight

The lightning diet is a clever way to lose a few extra pounds: it is however good not to follow a fast diet for a long time and never without the advice of your doctor or nutritionist. With the lightning diet you can get back in shape if you do not need too intense weight loss. Watch the video and find out how to give up foods that are high in cholesterol (and you don't know it).

  1. · Lightning diet: no later than 7 days
  2. · Fast Diet: What Can You Eat
  3. · What can be done to lose weight quickly
  4. · Other types of diet to lose weight in record time

According to some experts, with a fast diet you can lose up to 5 kg in seven days and regain your ideal weight in a heartbeat. It involves following a diet that first of all eliminates abdominal bloating and excess fluids, reducing calories and carbohydrates and balancing them well with fats and proteins. It is essential to drink at least two liters of water and make the intestine work perfectly, taking yogurt and regulators of the intestinal bacterial flora.

Lightning diet: no later than 7 days

Never start any dietary regimen, unless after listening to the opinion of your dietician or your doctor who knows your health well and will be able to tell you if the diet you want to follow is suitable for you and for any ailments and pathologies of your body. If the doctor gives you the okay and you want to try a diet to regain perfect shape before the summer in time for the swimsuit test, however, keep in mind that losing weight too quickly can sometimes be counterproductive, as it also risks recovering. in a short time the kilos lost before. In addition, diets that are too drastic often cause serious problems for our body. Therefore, caution is never too much. Usually the dietician recommends that you achieve this in a lasting way more slowly, losing no more than one pound every seven days. Sometimes, however, events tempt us to undertake faster diets or because we are about to go on vacation, because the wedding dress / or seems too tight or because after the Christmas holidays we find ourselves with a few extra pounds. If you follow a diet of this type, you absolutely must not extend the period beyond 7 days, because an unbalanced diet can then cause disturbances and deficiencies in our body, which counts for more than a few extra pounds.

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Lightning Diet: What Can You Eat

A lightning diet means a "diet in which the calories consumed are less than those needed by our body, in order to give a nice boost to the metabolism and quickly lose weight. According to some fast-food diets it is advisable to consume a cup of unsweetened green or coffee tea, 2 rusks with jam and a fruit or instead of whole grain jam. lunch fish or white meat with vegetables and vegetables or a legume soup with whole grains or one day a week 60 gr. of pasta or brown rice with vegetables. For dinner steamed fish (if you eat pasta for lunch) with grilled vegetables or a hard-boiled egg with low-fat cheese, fresh vegetables, a little wholemeal bread or minestrone with legumes and vegetables. You can muffle the appetite and promote the drainage of excess fluids by drinking herbal teas or homemade fruit juice without added sugar. They will also be useful for eliminating abdominal swelling and reducing the risk of cellulite. To take vitamins and minerals, you can consume dried fruit and vegetable or fruit smoothies, which also provide fibers that stimulate the activity of the intestine. In any case, you must never skip meals: not eating anything is not the right way to lose weight. Even in diets, the power supply should be varied as much as possible.

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What can be done to lose weight fast

First of all, it is good to drink at least two liters of water a day in addition to herbal teas and green tea between meals or at breakfast. Increased hydration burns calories and strengthens muscles. Drinking is essential for weight loss. For an effective diet in a short time, some experts recommend consuming oily fish, chicken or turkey, eggs, legumes, fruit, vegetables, whole grains, limiting the seasoning. If you want to achieve this, no exceptions to gluttony: no chocolate, no sausages, cheeses, red meat, pasta and white bread, alcohol. Exercise and walk a lot at least twice a week, don't smoke and don't stay late at night. Other flash diets offer a three-day diet for weight loss and detoxification when you think you have overdone food during the holidays or on vacation. You need to drink only water (or herbal teas) even between meals, perhaps diluted with cranberry juice. Another dietary proposal is that which should make you lose 10 kg in just 14 days. A determining factor is to wake up the metabolism, otherwise no diet can achieve optimal effects. And as we have already highlighted, green tea is essential for this. breakfast or fruit juice without sweeteners. Vegetables play a fundamental role in these diets. For dinner it is good to often choose a minestrone with vegetables and legumes and wholemeal bread (one slice). At lunch you can replace the first with a wholemeal sandwich with raw ham or mixed salad with tuna or bresaola, rocket and parmesan or a piece of pizza with a fruit. For dinner this type of diet favors baked or grilled fish and chicken, rarely spaghetti with tomato and parmesan.

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Other types of diet to lose weight in record time

There are diets that provide a diet based on the identification of foods, herbs, spices and herbal teas based on their thermogenic index (ie the ability to transform food into energy) and which would be able to lose 5 kg in 10 days. This type of diet is based on the principle that our body must change for the better through careful nutrition. Often, the solution to weight loss is not just eating less. Sometimes it can be inflammation, water retention, dyspepsia, hormonal problems. There is certainly some dysfunction that makes losing weight difficult. It is this that must be investigated before starting exaggeratedly drastic diets that often weaken the body, lead to fatigue and lack of strength. Fruit is essential (even at breakfast and preferably not immediately after a meal), to make the intestine work well thanks to its supply of fiber as well as vitamins essential for the well-being of the body. Black tea also has a draining effect and deflates the abdomen and reduces appetite. Herbal teas make you feel less of the need to eat. There are flash diets that a are based on a single food, that is, on the consumption of a particular food or of a single type of food; for example the famous lemon diets, the banana diet and the yogurt diet (Quick Diet or Lightning Diet), in which you plan to eat only one different food every day. In any case, the lightning diet is not very advisable, as even if it can give the desired fruits, it is very unbalanced as regards macronutrients, especially proteins and hardly is good for health. The majority of nutritionists express an opinion against these deites. A too fast diet could even create a predisposition to obesity. In light of these reflections, it seems preferable to have a little more patience and achieve lasting results, continuing to eat, but in a healthy and balanced way. For some more frail people, a fast diet could even be harmful to health, as it would weaken them more and also compromise their immune systems.

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