Diarrhea in pregnancy: why it appears and what are the remedies

Diarrhea in pregnancy is not a rare condition for the organism, even if rightly it is a source of concern for the future mother who wonders if it could also have consequences for the baby. But what causes diarrhea and what needs to be done to avoid Consequences? Before answering all the common doubts and questions, watch this video to find out the things not to do during pregnancy.

Is diarrhea in pregnancy a disease?

Let's try to immediately dispel a myth: diarrhea in pregnancy (but also diarrhea in general) is not considered as a disease, but as a symptom that can derive from different causes.Specifically, diarrhea in pregnancy can occur due to the natural changes that occur in the woman's body during gestation, or as a result of various types of diseases (infectious diseases or inflammatory diseases of the intestine).
In any case, in order to be able to talk about a real diarrhea in pregnancy, it is necessary that the consistency of the stool is semi-liquid or liquid and that at least three discharges occur a day.
See in this article what to eat in case of diarrhea: foods to counteract diarrhea.

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The causes of diarrhea in pregnancy

The onset of diarrhea during pregnancy could be an indication of an underlying pathological condition not yet diagnosed, for this reason it should never be underestimated. Having diarrhea during pregnancy happens often, especially if you are in the first month of gestation and are battling digestive disorders typical of this period. The feeling of nausea and vomiting typical of early pregnancy can in fact cause stomach disorders and diarrhea occurs as a consequence of this disorder. If, on the other hand, the pregnancy is in a more advanced stage, it is possible that the diarrhea may be caused by the increased pressure that the uterus exerts on the abdominal cavity and intestine.

But that's not all: there may be additional factors such as the intake of non-fresh food, viral infections, intestinal parasites, all causes that are not strictly related to pregnancy. In all the cases mentioned so far, it is essential to be examined by your doctor.

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Let's see specifically the causes:

  • Hormonal causes

The hormonal change due to pregnancy involving the woman's body could favor the appearance of various gastrointestinal symptoms. Among these the most common is constipation, but it is not uncommon that the opposite disorder may appear, namely diarrhea in pregnancy.

  • Food causes

The diet of the pregnant woman changes considerably and this could affect the digestive system that would not be able to tolerate some foods. All this could favor the onset of diarrhea during pregnancy. Furthermore, it is particularly frequent that future mothers are hypersensitive to foods that did not cause any kind of discomfort before gestation. Also in this case it will be easy to run into the onset of diarrhea.

  • Infectious Diseases and Food Poisoning

Infectious diseases and food poisoning can also cause diarrhea during gestation. In these cases it is good to pay attention to avoid negative effects for the fetus and the mother. What you can do is scrupulously observe all hygiene rules.
Among the pathogens that can give rise to infections characterized by diarrhea during pregnancy, we have:

- Viruses responsible for the so-called intestinal influences
- Bacteria (Staphylococci and Escherichia coli)
- Parasites
- Pre-existing pathologies

If the future mother suffers from diseases affecting the intestine (irritable bowel syndrome and Crohn's disease.) Even before the beginning of pregnancy, the same gestation can contribute to accentuate the problem, also favoring the onset of diarrhea.

  • Other Causes

Diarrhea in pregnancy could also be a side effect deriving from an "eventual iron supplementation. In such a situation, it is good to contact the gynecologist who will evaluate how best to proceed.

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How to diagnose diarrhea in pregnancy

Given all the causes that can give rise to diarrhea in pregnancy, it is important that the diagnosis is accurate and timely: the patient must report all the symptoms to the doctor and / or gynecologist who may have recourse to a "possible stool analysis.

Diarrhea in pregnancy characterized by frequent discharge and watery stools, but in the absence of abdominal pain, could indicate a "stomach flu. In such a case, it should resolve on its own within a few days."

Diarrhea with blood in the stool can indicate the presence of infections and in rare cases lead to anemia.

Particularly intense pregnancy diarrhea associated with fever and abdominal pain could be a sign of Salmonella infections.

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Diarrhea in pregnancy: how to cure it

To best treat diarrhea in pregnancy, everything depends on the causes that triggered it.
If the reason is associated with hormones it should resolve relatively quickly; while in the event that the diarrhea derives from dietary causes or from the intake of supplements, the gynecologist can intervene by making changes in the diet of the expectant mother and modifying or suspending the administration of the prescribed supplements.

A pregnant woman cannot take the most common drugs to combat diarrhea, which is why the intervention of the doctor or gynecologist is essential to prescribe the right drugs.
Medicines will be essential especially in the presence of infectious diseases of a bacterial nature.

However, if pregnancy diarrhea persists and you lose a lot of fluids, it is essential to stay well hydrated by drinking plenty of water or, possibly, fruit juices. In severe cases, mineral salts may be needed with some preparations that must be prescribed by the doctor.

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Frequently asked questions about diarrhea in pregnancy

Is diarrhea in pregnancy bad for the health of the fetus?
Women who experience diarrhea during pregnancy are especially concerned about the health of the fetus. In reality, however, it should be remembered that diarrhea is not a disease, and certainly does not represent a danger to the fetus. In any case, it is also a good idea not to neglect it, trying to go back to the origins of the problem, to understand if it is a transitory phenomenon or not.

What to do in case of diarrhea during pregnancy?
The first thing to do in case of diarrhea during pregnancy is to contact your doctor explaining all the symptoms that occur. Eating blank can be a useful idea to try to regulate digestion.

Why do I have diarrhea in the third trimester of pregnancy?
Episodes of diarrhea may also occur in the third trimester, this is because the uterus increases in size, the fetus is large and compresses the intestine. This compression causes diarrhea alternating with phases of constipation and digestive problems

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