Depression phrases: the aphorisms that explain this disease

Depression characterizes in the subject a feeling of distrust and loss of interest in the environment and surrounding people and a decrease in motor activities. The dejection can develop up to feelings of self-punishment and, in the extreme, suicide. Depression is a disease and as such must be treated by contacting suitable specialists. The following video features Chester Bennington, the lead singer of Linkin Park, who took his own life in July 2017: so he appeared just 36 hours earlier, together with his family.

Depression phrases: the most famous aphorisms

Unfortunately, depression is not uncommon. The pain that leads to apathy and excessive sadness, far beyond the passing one, is experienced by more people than we believe and that, above all, we see. Depression is a monster, it hides behind fake smiles but not perceptible as such. and it creeps into a body, emptying it, before it notices it. Below you will find phrases and quotes that will clarify what depression is and what it means to be depressed: their incisiveness and rawness have made them famous.

Those suffering from depression feel that they are no longer able to carry out activities that were previously ordinary and performed with great ease. Low self-esteem leads to a general depletion of emotions and feelings. It is as if the entire psychic sphere of affectivity is anesthetized.
Vittorino Andreoli

I personally believe that most depressions have their roots in loneliness, but the medical community prefers to talk about depression rather than loneliness. It is easier to get rid of the problem by giving a diagnosis and a box of medications. Because if we started talking about loneliness, we would know, for sure, that there are no drugs. There is no medical industry that takes care, human love is enough.
Patch Adams

The sadness has been killed: the sad loves, disappeared. It no longer even exists as a word, erased from "current usage. Dead also terms such as" restlessness "(Augustine's" restless is my heart until it rests in You "); as "longing", "despair" (desperate expectation). Everything has been thrown into depression and depression necessarily conjugates itself with antidepressant. The demon defeated by the good of drugs, by chemistry with magical formulas that came out of the scientific laboratories of the large pharmaceutical companies.
Vittorino Andreoli

If you are depressed, you are living in the past. If you are anxious, you are living in the future. If you are at peace, you are living in the present.
Lao Tzu

Sadness is more or less like sinusitis: with a little patience it passes. Depression is like cancer.
Barbara Kingsolver

The depressed person reduces their physical activity, withdraws, tries not to weigh on anyone, while the feeling of suffocating under the weight of oneself grows. It is a painful human condition, which involves incredible suffering. It's like feeling an uncontrollable fear of a lurking, shrewd, unbeatable monster. However, that monster is inside the mind of man. There is no escape.
Vittorino Andreoli

Wherever I was, on the deck of a ship or in a café in Paris or Bangkok, I would have been under the same glass dome, breathing my mephitic air.
Sylvia Plath

Depression is such a penetrating evil of living that the thought of death becomes a balm, a consolation.
Vittorino Andreoli

Depressed: A healthy man who has a life-threatening disease.
Fabrizio Caramagna

Depression is not wanting anything, not wanting anything, being unable to feel pleasure and satisfaction. An endless moral suffering.
Giovanni B. Cassano

Depression involves a condition of total adaptive failure, in which one refrains even from "using the mechanisms that facilitate life in the world. It is a real renunciation.
Vittorino Andreoli

Depression phrases: Lao Tzu

Depressions sentences: what is it?

The depressed person has no difficulty in expressing, through simple and exhaustive metaphors, what they feel. A great feeling of excruciating sadness, loneliness, pain for something past, present or for the absence of future prospects. Often the thought of closing your eyes without opening them again seems like a consolation, the only one in the sea of ​​exasperation, fatigue and apathy in which the depressed person finds himself without finding a way out. These aphorisms explain, with incisive phrases and quotations, perhaps better what is meant by "depression".

Depression is living, in a body fighting to survive, with a mind trying to die.

Depression is a form of lucidity. And the clarity is unbearable.
Pino Caruso

The depressed person is also alone in the midst of others, detached from everything and everyone. Unable to love, he feels withered, with a painful sense of emotional emptiness:
Giovanni B. Cassano

People think that depression is sadness, crying or wearing black, but people don't know that depression is the constant feeling of being numb. You wake up in the morning only to go back to bed.

Depression is not the same as pain; the truly depressed would thank heaven if he could feel pain. Depression is the inability to feel emotions. Depression is the feeling of being dead while the body is still alive. It is in no way equivalent to pain and pain, with which it has nothing in common. The depressed person is unable to feel joy, just as he is unable to feel pain. Depression is the absence of any kind of emotion, it is a sense of death that is absolutely unbearable for the depressed person. It is precisely the inability to feel emotions that makes depression so hard to bear.
Erich Fromm

Depression is a prison where you are both the prisoner of suffering and the cruel jailer.

Suffering from depression means not wanting anything anymore, not having the strength to change. We also feel alone in the midst of others, who often do not understand our suffering. We are unable to love and at the same time we are in desperate need of affection.
Romano Battaglia

Depression is feeling like you have lost something, but that you have no idea when or where you lost it last time. Then one day you realize what you have lost is yourself.

It was natural to be depressed, as it is natural for anyone who still has an idea of ​​what life could be and isn't. Depression becomes a right, when one looks around and sees nothing or anyone that inspires him, when the world seems to slip away into a gorge of materialistic dullness and narrow-mindedness.
Tiziano Terzani

Depression is the vow of chastity of our senses.
Umar Timol

Those who are depressed live with their minds turned backwards and in the past they identify faults that "explain" their suffering or they see the signs of predestination for endless ruin.
Giovanni B. Cassano

Depression is a very reasonable reaction to virtually everything we find ourselves experiencing today.

Depression sits on my chest like a sumo wrestler.
Sandra Scoppettone

Depression sentences: Pino Caruso

Depression Phrases: How Does It Feel?

These phrases can help express the terrible condition of being closed in on oneself, of perdition and loneliness. The aphorisms below are short and effective in understanding the state of the depressed person.

Depression: excess of the past.
Stress: excess of the present.
Anxiety: excess of the future.

Depression indicates that somewhere in you there is anger in a negative state. Depression is the negative state of anger; the term itself is eloquent: it says that there is something compressed, this is the meaning of depressed. You are squeezing something inside of you and, when anger is too repressed, it becomes sadness: sadness is a negative way of being angry.

Sometimes, just the thought of facing the day, I feel like broken glass in my soul.

Depression is feeling like you have lost something, but that you have no idea when or where you lost it last time. Then one day you realize what you have lost is yourself.

The moment a man questions the meaning and value of life, he is sick, since objectively neither of the two things exist; by asking this question one is simply admitting to having an unsatisfied libido reserve caused by something else, a kind of fermentation that has led to sadness and depression.
Sigmund Freud

Sometimes you want to disappear, but all you really want is to be found.

Sometimes, if you are depressed, you don't want to do anything. All you want to do is put your head on your arm, and look into the void. Sometimes you can go on like this for hours. If you are exceptionally depressed, you even need to switch arms.
Charlie Brown

The only way to avoid being depressed is not to have enough free time to wonder if you are happy or not.
George Bernard Shaw

Maybe you don't know about depression. And the great suffering, the fatigue of living every day, having feelings of guilt, regrets and anguish that go back to ancient times lived with the father and mother. Life loses its color, one is unable to feel pleasure and joy for any event. Time seems to have stopped. They look at their loved ones with the feeling of not feeling any emotion: the warmth of feelings cannot pass the curtain of cold that isolates us. When we are in this state we lose friends and also love because we are unable to give anything good anymore. There is no sense of the future, everything is linked to the present, full of boredom and interminable.
Romano Battaglia

Depression phrases

Phrases about depression

Before diagnosing yourself with depression or low self-esteem, make sure you're not just surrounded by assholes.
William Gibson

The deepest fear we have, "the fear of all fears" is the fear of confronting the fear of judgment. It is this fear that creates the stress and depression of everyday life.
Tulliano Tchividjian

Depression comes in the form of realism about the rot of the world in general and your life in particular.
Jonathan Franzen

Studies have shown that eighty percent of the population suffers from depression, and that the other twenty percent of you are the cause.
Dana Eagle

Mental pain is less dramatic than physical pain, but it is more common and also more difficult to bear. Attempting to hide frequent mental pain adds to its burden: it is easier to say "my tooth hurts" than to say "my heart is broken."
CS Lewis

Those who are grieving experience five stages of pain processing, five stages in which they relate to what they are forced to face: denial or rejection, anger, bargaining or plea bargaining, depression and acceptance.
Elisabeth Kubler-Ross

Using the word "depression" to describe unexplained or violent behavior sends two false signals: first, that society has no responsibility for our happiness, because unhappiness is a medical condition; second, that a depressed person is in danger of committing abominable acts.
Anne Skomorowsky

Anger is energizing. The opposite of anger is depression, which is anger turned inward.
Gloria Steinem

Depression is a democratic disease: it affects everyone.
Indro Montanelli

Today I listened to the moans and silences for a long time
of a friend invaded by depression:
I understood that there are reasons, not always expressible,
but there are also non-dominable ghosts
that emerge overbearing from the depths of the heart.
We are truly an abyss, we are vulnerable!
Father Enzo Bianchi

Depression is anger without enthusiasm.

The depressive state is absolutely not negative and on the contrary I think it is necessary, that it leads to reflection and calm. A permanent euphoria would be too tiring. I think that one must always keep this sort of gap, of emptiness, in one's spirit, in one's heart.
Jirō Taniguchi

Our consumer society is the greatest depressant there is. Robots, we don't always realize that. We don't have the time.
Wilfrid Lemoine

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