Hair removal: when to wax based on the moon

That the moon with its phases can be able to influence the growth of hair and hair on our body is known, or at least known. But will this actually be the case?

There are not a few women who firmly believe in the lunar influence and, before waxing, consult the calendar of the phases. On the other hand, there is scientific evidence of how the moon can affect the Earth, and especially its waters ... not to mention the fact that the length of her cycle corresponds exactly to that of the female cycle: 28 days. Will it be just coincidences?

Hair removal: how can the moon affect the growth of our hair?

There is no scientific evidence that the moon can influence the growth of our hair, but - unless you have opted for a permanent hair removal system like pulsed light and laser - it's worth a try!

After all, the Earth, the sun and the moon are linked by immense and gravitational forces that vary according to their reciprocal positions and it is not so absurd to believe that these variations can have effects on natural phenomena, from tides (demonstrated) to hair growth. and hairs, to be precise.

The woman is also made in large part of water, exactly like that of the sea that rises and falls responding to the rays of our satellite! So what are you waiting for to check the moon in the sky and prepare a nice homemade wax, like this one here?

See also

Total hair removal

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When is it best to wax based on the moon?

And here we are: what are the best phases of the moon to shave? Which ones would delay hair regrowth after a good wax?

The best phase to shave is certainly that of the waning moon. Shaving while the moon is between the full moon and the new moon is the best way to prevent hair from growing back quickly.

Hair removal with the waning moon, but in what sign?

Apparently, if the moon is in a waning phase in any particular sign, the effects of waxing would be even more extraordinary!

Shave when the moon is in the waning phase in the sign of Capricorn: the hair will be immediately weakened and will grow much slower!

On the other hand, hair removal should absolutely be avoided when the moon is - waxing or waning - in the signs of Leo and Virgo: in these cases the hair will be strengthened, it will grow faster and it will be more difficult to eradicate!

Tags:  In Shape Actuality Old-Luxury