Couperose: what it is and how to get rid of this blemish

Couperose is not a disease, but more than anything else it is considered a disorder that appears more frequently than one might think. It generally affects the face, where reddish patches appear that can burn or itch.
In this article we deepen the topic, trying to understand how the best treatments are to get rid of this blemish. First, however, we want to suggest you an idea for the anti-aging routine you can't miss in this video!

What is couperose?

The term couperose derives from the Latin and indicates a skin lesion that mostly affects the face, where red spots appear. The cause is to be attributed to the lesion of the blood capillaries and their consequent abnormal dilation; all this causes intense and generalized redness.

The reddish patches usually concentrate on the cheeks, between the cheekbones and the wings of the nose, creating the so-called butterfly shape. In general, we can say that couperose is a recognized aesthetic and cosmetic disorder, but it is not absolutely pathological.

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Main symptoms of couperose

As we said, couperose derives from a skin lesion linked to the excessive porosity and fragility of the capillaries, which not only lose elasticity, but undergo such a dilation as to let out decidedly unsightly reddish spots and veins localized at the level of the cheeks, cheekbones and sides of the nose.

All those who have had couperose at least once, underline that there is a sensation of strong heat right at the level of the affected areas of the red patches. This discomfort is particularly accentuated in the case of strong emotions and / or temperature changes.

Couperose: all causes

The causes of couperose are many and very different from each other, so much so that experts do not know how to identify a specific one that can trigger this imperfection.
A first factor to bring up is the genetic predisposition: if our family members have suffered or suffer from this disorder, we too could be predisposed to it.

Another triggering cause of couperose are hormonal dysfunctions: the level of corticosteroids in the blood tends to be higher in people with couperose, so much so that the problem is often a consequence of chronic therapies with cortisone-based drugs.

Frequent and prolonged exposure to climatic variations, solar radiation, cold, humidity and wind also contribute to the appearance of couperose: precisely for this reason couperose often occurs in people who do a job that leads to consistent thermal variations (eg cooks , pizza makers, bakers etc ...).

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Then there are a whole series of factors to consider that can favor the appearance of rosacea or even worsen its appearance. Let's see what they are.

  • Alcohol abuse

When you overdo alcohol, the capillaries dilate and blood circulation varies abnormally. If you already have couperose, taking alcohol would only make the situation worse. If you don't have it, it could be a good opportunity to do it come out.

  • Strong emotions

On the occasion of strong emotions, substances similar to histamine are released, which having a vasodilator function, can aggravate the appearance of couperose.

  • Vitamin deficiency

If you are deficient in vitamin C or vitamin PP, it can happen that the redness of the capillaries at the level of the face becomes even more evident.

  • Diet

Certain foods and foods can facilitate the appearance of rosacea. Among these, besides alcohol, we also have spices.

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How to cure couperose?

As we said, since it is not a disease, but a simple imperfection, the treatment of couperose will be of an aesthetic type. In the most serious cases and only under medical supervision, you can decide to take specific drugs to remedy the problem and soothe redness and discomfort. Finally, some aesthetic medicine treatments can also be used.

  • Medical and pharmacological treatments

In cases where couperose becomes complicated in rosacea, the problem will no longer be of an aesthetic nature, but will become a medical concern. The dermatologist can then advise the patient on the most suitable treatment to solve the problem. At a later stage, it will be necessary to use anti-inflammatory and disinfectant creams. Finally, only if absolutely necessary, the doctor can prescribe laser treatments to the patient to permanently eliminate couperose.

  • Cosmetic treatments

On the market there are cosmetics capable of exerting a soothing, anti-inflammatory and anti-reddening action, but none of these will have therapeutic potential against couperose, they will only serve to relieve discomfort. The cosmetics prepared with thermal waters with a calming action are also particularly useful. inflamed and red skin.

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Natural remedies to get rid of rosacea

If we consider that couperose is characterized by capillary fragility and skin hypersensitivity, all those plants that can exert a soothing action to alleviate the typical symptoms of couperose must be taken into consideration.

  • An example is chamomile, which inside an anti-couperose cosmetic cream acts thanks to the soothing and anti-redness properties given by bisabolol and azulene.
  • Calendula and mallow are also a marvel as natural remedies, thanks to their decongestant and anti-inflammatory properties.
  • Other plants such as gotu kola, butcher's broom, blueberry, and horse chestnut, stimulate subcutaneous microcirculation, consequently decreasing the redness and swelling typical of couperose.

Do not forget: couperose is first of all a vascular problem, so a cosmetic product can only help to avoid the worsening of symptoms, but it will never definitively solve the problem.

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Couperose often represents the final stage of a series of inflammations, which began as occasional, gradually and with the passage of time, they became chronic. The red spots on the face are therefore also due to the fact that the capillaries have lost their initial elasticity, dilating permanently and becoming visible on the face through couperose.

Furthermore, although it is considered as a purely aesthetic disorder, couperose should never be underestimated, because it can evolve into a more serious dermatological manifestation, known by the term rosacea (or acne rosacea), a chronic disorder that affects the skin, in particular cheeks, forehead and nose, causing fluid-filled pimples or pus, even as a result of inflammation of the hair follicles.

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Couperose: can it be prevented?

If you have read this far, you are surely wondering: can anything be done to prevent couperose from appearing?
Certainly, careful prevention is essential to prevent couperose from becoming chronic or worse, evolving into rosacea.

First and foremost, a healthy diet free of alcohol and exciting foods like spices and coffee can make a difference. Furthermore, it is not recommended to use irritating and aggressive cosmetics, which damage the skin, making it even more sensitive.

In general, the skin should always be protected both from the sun (through the use of adequate sun protection), and from the cold and excessive heat. All these atmospheric agents are able to cause a great worsening in the manifestations of couperose.

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