What to do at a sleepover: 10 activities for young and old

Ah, the sleepover parties! Who has never organized one with school friends? Even as they grow up, many continue to participate in it. And how to blame him? It is a "special occasion of conviviality in which, regardless of age, you can feel even more united with your friends and spend time together in the name of fun. However, you do not always have clear ideas on how to plan the so-called sleepover and, sometimes, you risk spending half the evening deciding what to do instead of doing it. To overcome this problem and make your sleepover perfect, we have compiled a list of stimulating and enjoyable activities for you to entertain your guests and live an unforgettable evening, sorry night!

But before you start, watch this video and discover 5 exercises with which to stimulate creativity in children!


If you don't know what to do to entertain your friends during your sleepover, fear not because together you can engage in various activities, each more fun than the other. An example? The kitchen! Why not cook some delicacies in company? Puddings, muffins, even a cake… together it will all be tastier! Obviously, if it is a sleepover for children, it is always better to operate under parental supervision. That way, you'll even have breakfast for the next day!

> Buy some cute cake molds on Amazon

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Horror stories

What pajama party would it be without the traditional horror stories? In the middle of the night, you and your friends can indulge themselves in the narration of invented or read stories, turning off all the lights and lighting up with the help of a flashlight. A few days. before the evening, you could go to the library together and borrow some scary books, obviously suitable for your age. Who will be the bravest and who, on the other hand, will not be able to sleep? Small recommendation: better avoid taking this advice into consideration , if you want to organize a sleepover for children.

> Buy a children's scary story book on Amazon

Marathon of films and TV series

Are you and your friends more like romantic comedies or anxiety-inducing thrillers? During your sleepover, organize a movie night marathon, or alternatively, TV series. Obviously, before starting, prepare some home made popcorn with your guests. By doing this, you will have already found two activities to do during the sleepover! Again, if you're planning a sleepover for kids, choose age-appropriate content. In this regard, know that on the major streaming platforms there are sections entirely dedicated to them.

> Buy a vintage design machine with which to cook your homemade popcorn!

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Joke contest

If you don't have any ideas on how to spend your sleep time at home, throwing a joke contest might be one of the ideas to consider. Tell your friends first and recommend that they collect some fun stories to tell during the night. Each joke will be given a vote and in the end the story with the highest score will win. You might even think about a possible prize to give to the winner. Your evening will surely not lack laughter!

> Buy a hyper hilarious book of jokes on Amazon!


Are you short of ideas and worries that your night party might be boring? Organize a dance session to liven up the sleepover! Make a playlist with all your favorite songs and those of your friends and, together, open the dance, launching yourself into hilarious moves. It doesn't matter if you can dance to the beat or gracefully, what matters is to turn your bedroom into a dance floor where you can rock all night long.I recommend, however, not to exaggerate with the volume of the music otherwise you will wake up your parents or, worse, the neighbors.

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Table games

Board games are a great must to liven up an evening at home with friends. With a wide choice of Monopoly, Guess Who, Uno and Taboo, but the list goes on and on, you can stock up on boxed games and eventually ask your friends to bring theirs too, challenging you to a match after the game. 'other. If you absolutely have no intention of sleeping, this activity will surely keep you awake all night. Also on the market there are many variants of the most famous and famous board games suitable even for children!

> Read also: Board games for children - the most fun and educational

Photo shooting

Whether you're throwing a themed party or your sleepover costume is just pajamas, try to capture as many moments of the evening as possible. If you have no ideas on how to spend the night with your guests and sleep is absolutely not among the options, you could organize a super fun photo shoot. Put on a whimsical make-up, wear fancy jewelry and clothes and strike a pose! These photos will be a wonderful reminder of your sleepover and, moreover, you can think of having them printed and framed to then give them to your friends for Christmas or birthdays.

> Buy an "Instax and print your photos immediately!"

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Beauty treatments

As previously pointed out, when you want to organize a sleepover, you must first think of a series of activities that you and your friends can spend time with, having fun. If the sleepover is all female, you can plan a skin-care session, turning your bathroom into a spa. Buy together with your friends everything you need for your beauty treatments, focusing mainly on face masks and hyper colored nail polishes and, before going to sleep, between a chat and another, dedicate yourself to your beauty routine . Again, do not miss the opportunity to immortalize your friends in pajamas and with their faces sprinkled with cream!

Get inspiration from this article on DIY masks and make them with your friends during the sleepover!

Handmade crafts

Dedicating yourself to manual activities with your friends has always been a simple and fun solution with which to spend quality time. So, if you want to organize an engaging sleepover, get help from your parents and prepare everything you need to make delicious handmade jobs. Notify your sleeping companions and arm yourself with vinyl glue, rounded-tipped scissors and all the creativity you have. In the end, everyone will be able to take home their work to keep forever as a souvenir of a fantastic sleepover!

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Truth or Dare

Among the games in which it is customary to dabble during sleepovers, there is one in particular that always has a certain success: truth or dare. It is a tantalizing and fun activity with which to liven up the evening and keep up the small hours. Thanks to this game, you will discover all the gory secrets of your friends or you will have fun imposing (or possibly undergoing) uncomfortable obligations that will make the sleepover even more memorable.

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