How to control your mood?

Emotions present despite your will

Emotions are biological forces that you need to know how to control. They exist before our thoughts. It is about how you react to a given situation. Particularly emotional people, therefore, must learn to control themselves: one must avoid giving the green light to a negative emotion, it would only strengthen it. However, it is always harmful to hold back one's emotions, especially if it is negative feelings. find the balance, to express them in the right way, trying to remain polite and avoid aggression.

Beware of mood swings!

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Our mood changes according to where we are, what we are doing, but also according to our personality, of course. Everyone happens to have mood swings. The problem is when these swings become paralyzing:

> cyclothymiaChanges in mood are less lasting and less intense. Medicines can be prescribed to remedy this problem but, in general, it is above all about learning to better manage your daily life.

> The bipolar disorder, also called manic-depressive disorder or psychosis: mood swings are more lasting and more intense. People who suffer from it are hypersensitive and hyperactive in case of stress.

Recognize the symptoms

Controlling one's emotions requires a great effort of introspection. You know how to recognize situations capable of causing variations in your emotions and, therefore, of making you change mood. This also applies to others. In society, we are forced to continually confront each other's emotions, positive or negative that we are. Recognize the symptoms, expressions, gestures, looks. The goal is to defuse risky situations and communicate better, considering the emotional state of your interlocutor.

Manage your mood at work

When you have fluctuating morale, the consequences at work are numerous: drops in productivity, tensions with colleagues or, even worse, with your boss ... however, keep your mood swings to yourself. Every so often, however, one must know how to listen to one's anger, since it indicates the presence of a frustration, of a desire not respected. But be careful: always think twice before letting off steam with your boss!


To let off steam and keep the relationship with your colleagues as much as possible, confide in them; for example, you could take the breaks to talk about it. First of all, make it clear what you expect from your interlocutor, if you want advice or simply someone who listens to you.

I'm in a bad mood: why?

The bad mood comes from an unmet need. Often, we make up excuses to justify it: I'm tired, I got up on the wrong foot, or even worse ... I have my period! But the bad mood acts as an alarm signal. For example, anxiety can indicate the fear of a danger that threatens you; outbursts of anger can manifest a "dissatisfaction in your personal life. Once you understand what is wrong, you can try to take back the reins of your life and find a solution for your "unmet" need.

Some advices:

> To manage daily stress, allow yourself moments of total relaxation: a little shopping, music, a hot bath, a massage ...

> Learn to breathe with the belly: it is the basis of every relaxation exercise. Inhale deeply while inflating the belly and then slowly exhale through the mouth.

> Preserve your sleep: To respect your internal clock, go to sleep as soon as you start feeling tired. The longer you delay this, the more you will shift your sleep cycle by an hour and a half. People who don't get enough sleep are often in a bad mood.

> Let off steam with sport: it is ideal and effective in any situation. If you are very frustrated, you will choose tennis or squash ... To free yourself from the feeling of melancholy, on the other hand, the best sport is swimming.

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