Cystitis: the news to cure it

Recently, for example, two of the medical-scientific publications with the highest international credit have dedicated their respective front pages to these pathologies: these are precisely the "New England Journal of Medicine" and the "TheLancet" magazine, which have published a analysis of the reliability of urine culture in the light of the millions of episodes of cystitis affecting the American population. Another prestigious publication, the "Journal of Urology", official organ of the Association of American Urologists, has instead given evidence to a study which, starting from the very high number of subjects affected by urinary tract infections, has analyzed the usefulness of antibiotic prophylaxis, underlining the need to add complementary therapy to the latter.

More precisely, the study refers to oral immunomodulating drugs, vaginal vaccines and natural products, such as blueberry and d-mannose, which would prevent bacteria from adhering to the inner surface of the bladder (urothelium), thus preventing the 'infection. However, their effectiveness remains the subject of discussion among experts. The real news, in this regard, recalls Prof. Massimo Lazzeri (Surgeon specialized in Urology, Scientific Consultant for the San Raffaele - Turro Hospital in Milan and Head of Urology at the "M. Fanfani" Clinical Research Institute in Florence ), is represented by some molecules that perform a protective but also repairing function of the urothelium: in particular, these are hyaluronic acid and chondroitin sulfate.

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Cystitis: let's get to know it

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If, as has now been widely demonstrated, instillations of hyaluronic acid and chondroitin sulfate into the bladder are an excellent therapy for patients with recurrent urinary infections, the real revolution will soon come from the methods of administering these two substances.

From January, an oral combination of hyaluronic acid, chondroitin sulfate, curcumin and quercetin will be available in Italy, which promises great effectiveness combined with ease of intake. Elimination also via the kidney allows hyaluronic acid and chondroitin sulfate to reach the bladder and perform an effective function of protecting and repairing the urothelium. The association with curcumin and quercetin - two natural substances - additionally guarantees an anti-inflammatory action that reduces painful symptoms and frequency in urinating.
The new oral compound is perfectly aligned with the most modern "combination therapies", now used in many areas of medicine, observes Prof. Lazzeri, as on the one hand it repairs bladder damage, and on the other it acts on inflammation. going to reduce the symptoms.

Following acute cystitis, bladder pain and a sense of weight in the lower abdomen often continue to occur: a preparation based on hyaluronic acid and chondroitin sulfate orally, able to accelerate healing through an effective combined action, may prove to be as the extra weapon in the therapy of cystitis.

In collaboration with Il Portale della Salute

    See also:
    Rebellious nose. How to recognize rhinosinusitis
    Hypothyroidism: what is it and how is it treated?
    Sex and cystitis: what are the links?
    Hyaluronic acid: an aid for the breath