Dark chocolate: calories, properties and benefits

Dark chocolate has several properties that bring benefits to the body, and although it is banned from diets because it is quite caloric, an exception is often made by virtue of the well-being it brings to those who consume it. First of all, what distinguishes dark chocolate from milk chocolate? And why is dark chocolate recommended for its benefits?

  1. How many calories does chocolate have?
  2. Dark chocolate: properties and benefits
  3. · Chocolate in pregnancy: is it good or bad?
  4. · Chocolate as an antidepressant. Discover the other foods against sadness!

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How many calories does chocolate have?

Let's start with the calories: dark chocolate has about 550 per 100 grams of product. We must immediately enter into the specific and explain that it is a dark chocolate with a concentration between 45 and 59 percent of cocoa, whereas dark chocolate is defined as having a cocoa concentration of at least 43 percent, and the presence of at least 28 percent cocoa butter. Extra dark chocolate has higher doses of cocoa, up to bitter chocolate, which reaches 99 percent cocoa concentration. Despite being quite caloric, however, dark chocolate has several elements that are healthy for the body, and even if it has saturated fats, they are not those harmful to cholesterol, since they are fats of vegetable origin, that is, the cocoa seeds themselves. Milk chocolate has more fat and calories, as milk is added.

Dark chocolate: properties and benefits

One of the most outstanding properties of dark chocolate, and cocoa in general, is the presence of antioxidants. These are substances that help prevent cellular aging by fighting its main cause, free radicals. Dark chocolate obviously contains, as it is purer, more antioxidants and less sugar than milk chocolate. Minerals are another property of milk chocolate. dark chocolate, and as it is increasingly pure and concentrated, the more minerals it contains: especially iron, very useful in the nutrition of pregnant women, anemic people and usually also women of childbearing age, who often suffer from iron deficiency due to magnesium and potassium , which benefit muscles and limbs. In addition to this, magnesium helps to fight hypertension, one of the most common ailments in Western countries, often the cause of heart attacks and strokes. The presence of zinc and phosphorus, excellent for the health and good functioning of the brain, complete the picture.

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Chocolate in pregnancy: is it good or bad?

"Nutrition during pregnancy is a delicate issue, and pregnant women must be careful about what they eat, literally avoiding food and taking advantage of others. As for dark chocolate, it is recommended, in moderate quantities, thanks to the" supply of energy and minerals. However, the quantities should be moderate, to avoid gaining too much weight. Dark chocolate helps with its contribution of minerals to regulate circulation and blood pressure, also preventing the risks of pre-eclampsia, a pregnancy disorder caused by the mother's hypertension.

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Chocolate as an antidepressant. Discover the other foods against sadness!

As we listed in the benefits for the body, chocolate also acts as a great anti-depressant, so much so that it is the symbol of foods that bring energy and a sense of positivity to everyone.But it's not just chocolate ... discover all the antidepressant foods, to feel more cheerful and full of desire to do!

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