The best books for your personal development

How to put the power of now into practice - Eckhart Tolle

After reading "how to put the power of now into practice", you will not see things the same way. In this book, Eckhart Tolle teaches us an easy way to find peace with ourselves and to feel more satisfied and consequently, happy in our life. The main topic of this book is work on our conscience. It is a meditative reading whose main objective is to reach a different state of consciousness rather than simply telling theories.
> Buy it on Amazon

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642 ideas for ...

Writing, drawing and much more.
642 proposals for creative people who do not yet know they are. Perfect for inspiring adults and children to create something beautiful, proactive and personal
> 642 ideas for writing, on Amazon
> 642 ideas for drawing, on Amazon

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The magical power of tidying up - Marie Kondo

The Japanese Marie Kondo has developed a method that guarantees the "order and organization" of domestic spaces ... and at the same time serenity, because in Zen philosophy the physical reorganization is a ritual that produces immeasurable spiritual advantages: it increases self-confidence themselves, frees the mind, relieves from attachment to the past, values ​​precious things, induces to make fewer useless purchases. Remaining in chaos, on the other hand, means wanting to remove the moment of introspection and knowledge.

> Buy it on Amazon

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The 5 wounds and how to heal them - Lise Bourbeau

Refusal, abandonment, humiliation, betrayal and injustice. Here are the 5 famous wounds that prevent us from being ourselves and to which Lise Bourbeau dedicated her book. The author helps us to become aware of these wounds, to listen to them, to assimilate them and to accept them and then heal you! This is the book that will make you overcome trauma as well as make you feel at peace with yourself!
> Buy it on Amazon


The Four Chords: A Practical Guide to Personal Freedom - Miguel Ruiz

And finally, we close this article with the must-have of personal development: the book "The Four Agreements: A Practical Guide to Personal Freedom " by Miguel Ruiz is known throughout the world as the guide to a great path of self-knowledge that will lead you to have personal freedom. Miguel Ruiz helps us understand the things that prevent us from being fully happy, from moving away from collective conditioning, and from improving our lives and those around you. A real event in personal development!
> Buy it on Amazon

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