Cellulite: the most effective natural remedies and the diet to combat it

Cellulite is a rather feared and hated female aesthetic problem that little c "comes with weight or physical fitness, but rather with poor blood circulation, sedentary lifestyle and water retention. In fact, even thin and small women can suffer from it, and it is not a in case even VIPs and stars with perfect silhouettes are the victims.

As we said, the causes can be linked to constitutional, hormonal and vascular factors and all converge mainly in a bad blood microcirulation that "stresses" the subcutaneous adipose tissue causing the "imperfection at the epidermal level, known precisely with the name of cellulite.
Depending on the severity of the disorder, three types of cellulite are distinguished: compact, flaccid or edematous cellulite.

  • Compact cellulite preferably affects subjects in good physical condition and with toned muscles and often it is a simple water retention due to loss of fluids due to physical exertion.
  • Flaccid cellulite occurs especially in middle-aged people who have hypotonic tissue.
  • Finally, edematous cellulite occurs in association with compact cellulite, preferably on the legs, and represents the fairly common consequence of circulatory diseases.

But how can you intervene to fight cellulite without invasive methods and with the use of effective and fast natural remedies? Below we will try to explain how to counteract the onset of skin blemishes in a natural way thanks to healthy habits, the right diet and the most suitable sports.

Do not underestimate nutrition: here are the foods that must never be missing on your table!

A fundamental aspect to combat and prevent cellulite and water retention is a right diet. Here is a mini-guide with all the foods that should never be missing in your diet!

See also

Gotu kola: the benefits against cellulite and swelling!

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Cellulite and natural remedies: the advantages of phytotherapy and medicinal plants

Plants to combat cellulite blemishes, used in herbal medicine, act on the protection of blood vessels and improve the elasticity of their walls and have important diuretic and draining properties. They can be taken individually or in compounds to exploit their synergistic action, in herbal teas, tablets or capsules and mother tinctures. Here are the main ones:

  • The leaves and bark of witch hazel (Hamamelis Virginiana) are used in disorders of the circulatory system, where an astringent action is required. - Buy the 500ml package on Amazon for € 11.99
  • The leaves of centella (Centella asiatica) strengthen and elasticise the walls of the blood vessels, promoting correct peripheral circulation. - Buy the organic hydroalcoholic extract of organic centella asiatica (50 ml) for € 9.90
  • The pineapple stem (Ananas sativus) is widely used to improve blood and lymphatic circulation because it reduces vasodilation and excessive permeability of capillaries, alleviating inflammation or localized pain. - Buy the pack of 40 pineapple stem capsules for € 9.55
  • Sweet clover (Melilotus officinalis) is used in the treatment of venous and lymphatic insufficiency, in the presence of edema and swelling of the lower limbs, water retention, heavy legs and cellulite. - Buy the package of sweet clover extract for € 18.41
  • Birch leaves (Betula Pendula) stimulate diuresis and the lymphatic system, promoting the elimination of excess fluids, and, specifically, help eliminate and disappear the fibroconnective nodules, characteristic of this skin imperfection. - Buy the mother tincture of birch leaves on Amazon for € 13.90
  • The pilosella (Hieracium pilosella), a powerful diuretic, is used in the treatment of cellulite blemishes, swelling of the ankles, edema of the lower limbs, water retention especially if resulting from eating disorders or pharmacological treatments. - Buy the mother tincture of pilosella for € 13.90

Flower therapy and Bach flowers: fast and effective natural remedies that help fight cellulite

Physical pathologies such as cellulite and water retention are not treated directly with Bach flowers, as these remedies act mainly on the emotional state. But as we well know, there are many physical discomforts that can arise from a stressful condition: an internal imbalance can in fact lead to a malfunction of the lymphatic and circulatory systems, which become congested, retaining liquids and toxins and triggering the much hated cellulite problem. It is in this sense that even a natural remedy such as bach flowers can be quite effective in combating cellulite and blemishes.

In these cases it is good to contact a naturopath or a herbalist to obtain personalized mixtures based on the needs and characteristics of the person, in order to release excess fluids and promote the decongestion process, thus helping to combat retention and the much hated cellulite.

Blemishes and cellulite: the benefits of aromatherapy and essential oils

Essential oils for the treatment of cellulite perform a draining action on lymphatic stagnation, stimulating peripheral and lipolytic circulation on localized fat.

They are used locally diluted in almond oil (10 drops per 100ml of oil) or in the tub to take toning baths with anti-cellulite action. Here are the most effective essential oils to fight cellulite:

  • Birch essential oil: prevents venous problems and circulatory disorders, in case of heavy legs, swelling, edema and lymphatic stagnation.
  • Lemon essential oil: it is a tonic for the circulatory system; stimulates lymphatic and venous circulation, strengthens blood vessels and thins the blood. Excellent against disorders due to poor circulation, such as heavy legs, edema, cellulite, varicose veins and capillary fragility and chilblains.
  • Rosemary essential oil: used as an ingredient in cosmetic products and mud treatments against cellulite or localized adiposity, thanks to its lipolytic action, stimulating the peripheral circulation and draining the lymphatic system.

Check out all the essential oil options available on Amazon

The recommended exercises to defeat cellulite: here is the video!

But in addition to the effective natural remedies to fight cellulite seen so far, there is another super method to get a flawless silhouette and say goodbye to unsightly skin blemishes: sport! In the following video you can see the most useful exercises for defeat cellulite and have a more toned and leaner body Are you ready?

How to fight cellulite with sport

Moving is the categorical imperative to reduce cellulite. Just with gentle gymnastics or walking or cycling, the lower limbs will be alleviated and the body will free itself from excess toxins.

But beware of excessive physical activity. If it is true that moving is very good, it is equally true that exaggerated and prolonged efforts accentuate the disorder. Why? Because the muscles undergo hyperstimulation, the production of lactic acid increases and this negatively affects on microcirculation.

It is essential to keep the heart rate low (maximum 130 beats per minute). Physical activity should be kept constant at least 3 times a week for 30 or 40 minutes, considering that the metabolic mechanisms linked to the elimination of fats are activated only after the first half hour of motion.

Cellulite can appear when a woman undergoes hormonal changes, such as during menopause, and it is important to maintain good circulation and oxygenation of the tissues. Activities such as swimming and water aerobics, which involve movement with the friction of the water and work all the muscles, are highly recommended; not only does the water reoxygen the tissues, but the movement in the pool or at the sea doubles the resistance times.

The anti-cellulite diet: the most suitable diet to combat blemishes

Cellulite is often accompanied by constipation, hemorrhoids and heaviness in the legs and can be aggravated by some incorrect eating habits. In order to eliminate or contrast the problem of cellulite, it is in fact necessary to choose the right anti-cellulite diet, rich in detoxifying foods and foods that speed up the metabolism, such as ginger and lemon, in order to help drain and avoid swelling and heaviness, including the main ones responsible for the onset of cellulite.

Therefore, refined carbohydrates, sweets and alcohol should be reduced. Foods such as dairy products, white flour, saturated fats deriving from meat, butter and sausages, which accentuate the heaviness in the legs, should also be limited. Instead, fish, legumes, cold-pressed vegetable oils such as extra virgin olive oil and flax oil, seasonal fruit and vegetables are preferred.

Fibers are also very important, which improve intestinal function, especially in the case of constipation, thus avoiding intestinal congestion that puts pressure on the lower limbs. Liver support with bitter-tasting vegetables - chicory, turnip greens, radicchio, Belgian endive - and foods such as artichokes and nettle is also helpful. It is advisable to increase the consumption of berries to improve circulation and citrus fruits.

Here are the foods recommended for a perfect anti-cellulite diet

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