Cara's pansexuality: "I fall in love with the person, not the gender"

"I think I will forever remain pansexual," Cara Delevingne tells Variety magazine. The British model, the gay icon par excellence, takes advantage of the month of pride to speak openly about her sexual orientation, which has been the subject of speculation and gossip by the tabloids for years. The 27-year-old comes out and reveals her pansexuality.

  1. What does it mean to be pansexual:
  2. · The acceptance path was uphill
  3. For years he had to wear a mask
  4. · Today she is finally free to be herself

What does it mean to be pansexual:

"Whichever way one chooses to define himself, be it 'she', 'he' or 'they', I fall in love with the person. Regardless of his gender identity ".

So, for the Carnival Row actress, biological sex has no relevance in finding a partner. What matters is the personality, in short, that the two halves of the apple are in harmony with each other. A conception of love that puts feelings above everything else, prejudices and taboos in the first place.

The path of acceptance was uphill

But it was not easy to come to this awareness and talk about it so openly. Cara was born and raised in a "good" family in England with a closed mind and rigid mental patterns to stick to. An "old-fashioned" reality in which a single vision of love was admitted, the heterosexual one. This is why today the model is a fervent supporter of Pride, of which she celebrates the inclusive power.

“Pride for me is a sense of belonging, something I never felt as a child. […] I didn't want to upset my parents, so I was depressed and unhappy, I felt lost ”.

For years he had to wear a mask

The situation does not improve when Cara is at the beginning of her glittering career on the catwalks all over the world. Harvey Weinstein himself, the former film producer sentenced to 23 years in prison on charges of rape and sexual assault, strongly advises her to keep this part of herself hidden, otherwise her professional fortune could suffer.

So Cara is forced to wear a mask until, in 2018, tired of pretending, she publicly defines herself as "gender fluid", that is, a person who feels neither man nor woman, or at least not exclusively. So, to ban labels, what Cara cares most of all is the freedom to be herself and be proud of it, without paying attention to the opinions of others, even if the judgments about her are mainly positive. Suffice it to read the letter her longtime friend Taylor Swift wrote in her honor, calling her "lively, outgoing, eccentric, loving and sensitive".

Today she is finally free to be herself

Today and even more so now that it is June, the "Pride Month", Cara exploits the media power in her hands and stands as a source of inspiration for her 45 million followers, promoting awareness and information campaigns on sensitive issues such as law to the equality of minorities, ethnic and sexual. Great!

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