Divorce boom: Coronavirus puts couples to the test

Omnia vincit amor. Love Wins everything. Almost everything. Because a wave arrives from China that is also overwhelming the rest of the world, including Italy. And no, we are not talking about the damned Coronavirus, but about the divorce boom that, after the Red Dragon, is also affecting the boot. Many couples, tried by forced cohabitation and the psychological stress that follows, did not hold up and the first exit they allowed themselves from the relaxation of restrictions was to go to the "lawyer."

Ancient disagreements and new misunderstandings

Used as we were to being away from our partner for at least eight hours a day, with any children at school, this alienating form of week-end extended to the whole week was not appreciated by many. Ancient disagreements to which new misunderstandings are added have contributed to explode even the apparently more solid couples and to double the requests for separations and divorces.

See also

Love is blind but ... we are not! Here are the strangest couples among the famous

Speed ​​up procedures

In this regard, to speed up the bureaucratic procedures, the National Forensic Council has consented to the management of requests via e-mail. Therefore, it will be possible to say "goodbye" online, through virtual consultations with the competent lawyers. A system already available in Verona, Monza, Vercelli and Turin.

A little caution never hurts!

But are we really sure these are incurable fractures rather than passing crises due to the specificity of the historical moment? The advice we give you is to engage in a constructive discussion with your partner in which to free yourself both of doubts and perplexities, but, above all, to reflect carefully to avoid future second thoughts, as has already happened frequently in China, where many they retraced their steps.

Tags:  Women-Of-Today Star Old-Luxury