Pineapple: 10 properties and benefits

The pineapple, or Ananas comosus, comes from a plant native to South America. Its exotic and vitamin-rich taste is increasingly present in many recipes. Pineapple is a fruit that is usually eaten a lot in summer, but, if possible, it would be preferable to taste it throughout the year, precisely because of its various virtues and friends of our organism. For example, pineapple has many vitamins that improve the digestive system. In fact, this aphrodisiac fruit reduces inflammation of the intestine and helps reduce digestive diseases. In addition, it helps you lose weight thanks to its low calories and high level of antioxidants. Finally, in addition to being delicious, it is rich in fiber and minerals, is essentially composed of water and can be enjoyed in many ways. For example, what's better in the summer than a pineapple popsicle?

For all the properties already anticipated and many more that we will reveal shortly, pineapple is a highly recommended food. Also, do you know all the ways to eat it? Although it is preferable to enjoy it in its natural state, there are many other (delicious) ways. to introduce pineapple into our diet.

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Pineapple, a healthy option at any time of the day

Fruits and vegetables are a fundamental pillar of the Mediterranean diet and there is no excuse not to eat them. In fact, all of us should eat several portions of fruit a day, at any time, because our digestive system, with its respective gastric juices and enzymes, is ready to digest any food of this type at any time.

Therefore, if you have heard that eating fruit in the evening or after a meal is not recommended for your health, it is best to put this information aside. This is a myth that should not be taken into consideration. Fruit is a healthy option at any time of the day, so you'll want to go for it whenever you feel like it.

If we talk about fruit, pineapple is an excellent representative. The benefits of this tropical fruit are endless, but its main feature is its diuretic action. Almost 90% of pineapple is water, which makes it a good ally in weight loss diets.

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10 properties of pineapple

1. Helps digestion

First, pineapple facilitates digestion, especially that of proteins. The enzyme called bromelain, present in the pineapple, contributes to this effect, but it is not the only one. Pineapple is a rich source of fiber, the consumption of which fiber reduces the risk of developing diseases and helps the activities of the digestive system. This is why it is an excellent ally for those suffering from constipation, but also from colitis and other disorders related to intestinal transit.

2. Makes you lose weight

In most slimming diets, pineapple is a must. This is because its being mainly composed of water makes it low in calories, while bromelain is extremely effective in fighting and reducing cellulite. By doing so, it also improves the water supply necessary for our body.

3. It boasts many nutrients

Pineapple is a fruit rich in potassium. In addition, it contains a multitude of vitamins and minerals such as magnesium, which helps strengthen bones. It is also distinguished by its contribution of antioxidants.

4. Helps with oral health

Among its properties, the anti-inflammatory and astringent ones stand out. Therefore, eating pineapple reduces the risk of gingivitis, as it is a natural anti-inflammatory, and strengthens the teeth.

5. It is an ally for the skin

When it comes to vitamin C, we tend to think only of citrus fruits, but pineapple is also rich in it. Above all this vitamin makes it perfect for fighting some skin imperfections, due to inflammation, such as acne. Eating pineapple means making a contribution to our body against this annoying problem, because the enzymes of the fruit show anti-inflammatory virtues. Furthermore, it is also possible to apply juice or pieces of pineapple directly on the face, massaging them for a few minutes to then rinse off this completely natural beauty mask with lukewarm water.

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6. Gives vigor to hair and nails

Also thanks to vitamin C and other antioxidant properties, pineapple is also an ally to counteract free radicals. For this reason, it helps prevent hair loss and manages to strengthen the lengths. To obtain this benefit, simply taste the pineapple usually or consume it in the form of juice.

In addition, it strengthens the nails, especially if you prepare a lotion with its juice, also based on lemon and egg yolk, to be applied directly on the affected part and keep it in place for at least an hour.

7. Improve circulation

Pineapple is beneficial for circulation. In fact, thanks to its anticoagulant properties, it helps improve blood circulation and helps fight problems such as hypertension or prevent cardiovascular diseases.

8. Helps the immune system

Pineapple is also a source of folic acid, a vitamin essential for strengthening the immune system. This, combined with Vitamin C, counteracts diseases of the respiratory system, such as coughs, colds and sinusitis.

9. He is on the side of the sportsmen

Pineapple is perfect for those who play sports. It is ideal for athletes, as its anti-inflammatory properties can help fight muscle pain after intense training sessions.

10. It is filling

As already mentioned, pineapple contains a lot of water and, for this reason, it makes us feel full and satisfied after eating it, preventing us from overdoing portions and less healthy foods.

Also, a research published in the British magazine Planta Medica found that the enzyme extracted from pineapple, known as bromelain, was much better than the chemotherapy drug 5-fluorouracil in treating cancer in an animal study. The substance only attacks cancer cells and not healthy ones.

Recipe ideas with pineapple

Now that you know all the benefits of pineapple, you may want to consume it more often in your diet. In addition to eating it naturally, sliced, we have several ideas for pineapple recipes so you can enjoy it at its best.

Yogurt with pineapple, fried pineapple, fruit juice, chicken curry with pineapple and even chocolate pineapple! There are so many options, both savory and sweet. It's all a matter of taste and imagination to match the various foods to make your meal as complete and nutritious as possible.

We invite you to try different combinations, its sour-sweet flavor is perfect for creating contrasts and getting the most exotic dishes!

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For more information on pineapple, consult the Humanitas website.

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