Water and lemon in the morning: is it really as good as they say?

Water and lemon are two ingredients that are as simple as they are effective, especially when mixed together to form a drink to be enjoyed in the morning as soon as you wake up. If you suffer from perennial fatigue, gastrointestinal upset, bloated abdomen and bad breath, you could be the victim of food poisoning. Lemon water can make a difference, find out how. Before continuing with the reading, here is the recipe for blueberry and basil lemonade to drain and deflate.

Ailments for which lemon water can make a difference

We have collected a whole series of ailments that can be effectively treated by drinking a glass of water and lemon in the morning when you wake up. Here's what they are.

  • Bad breath
  • Mouth kneaded as soon as you wake up
  • Swollen and red eyes
  • Rings under the eyes
  • Whitish patina on the tongue
  • Foul-smelling sweat
  • I smelled bad
  • Stuffed or runny nose
  • Cough
  • Lack of concentration
  • Foggy or dull mind
  • Bad mood
  • Digestive disorders
  • Candida
  • Migraine and perennial fatigue
  • Intestinal disorders
  • Diseases of the liver
  • Dermatological problems
  • Inflammation of the urinary tract (cystitis)
  • Articolar pains
  • Inflammations
  • Prostate problems

These are very common ailments, but they should never be underestimated. Just during sleep, the body is not engaged in specific activities and uses its energy to eliminate waste and toxins that weigh it down, thus returning to health. This is why the symptoms we have mentioned are most present in the morning, the ideal time of day to take care of detoxification by drinking water and lemon.

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Water and lemon in the morning: what are the benefits?

Water and lemon drunk upon waking up are a valid natural remedy for detoxifying the body, this is because the drink acts as a real washing of both the gastrointestinal and urinary tract.

There are those who call it the elixir of life, and in fact lemon water is able to restore the normal balance and functionality of the body in just ten days.

Here's how it works.

  • Regularizes the intestine
  • Detoxifies the body
  • Prevents colds and flu
  • Hydrates the body
  • Makes the skin radiant
  • Cleanse the liver
  • Purifies the kidneys
  • Helps in weight loss
  • Prevents cellular aging
  • Eliminate excess uric acid
  • Strengthens blood vessels
  • Gives energy and vitality
  • It has antibacterial properties

In short, it helps to complete the detoxification process that took place during the night, purifying the stomach, urinary tract, intestine and liver. It also frees the digestive system and keeps the breath fresh.
This drink removes toxins, digestive residues and mucus that often settles in the body. Although it may be a bit strong as a concept, lemon water acts as a "degreaser".

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Tips for choosing lemons

Lemons are available all year round, but it is not always possible to make the best purchase. Sometimes in the supermarket we find beautiful yellow and large lemons, but once brought home they rot in a few days even if stored in the refrigerator. That is why we have collected a series of useful tips for choosing the best lemon.

  • It must be heavy and firm, which testifies to a high quantity of juice.
  • The intense yellow color and the fine-grained and compact rind
  • The best lemons smell!
  • If the lemon has leaves attached, it will be better than those without leaves.
  • If you only use lemon to drink lemon water in the morning, it doesn't need to be ORGANIC.
  • Keep lemons in a cool and airy place, if you can, avoid the refrigerator
  • Massage the lemon on a flat surface before squeezing it
  • Do not squeeze the juice in advance, but only when you drink it
  • Filter the juice well so that it is free of pits and pieces of pulp

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Tips for choosing water

Both mineral water and microfiltered water will work well, it is better to avoid tap water, which is often loaded with heavy metals.
The water must be warm or hot, around 40 or 45 degrees. Avoid cold water because in this case the purifying effects would be reduced; moreover, for some people, it may not be digestible.
Water and lemon, to be truly effective, must flow quickly and stop as little as possible in one point of the digestive system, and this can only be done if it is drunk at the right temperature.

What is the ideal amount of lemon for the morning cleansing drink?

The ideal is to squeeze a lemon into a glass full of water. If you are at the beginning of this natural therapy, however, you have to get used to the organism, so the ideal is to start with a teaspoon of lemon, gradually increasing, up to take the juice of a whole lemon. Better not to exceed with the juice of more than one lemon, as the drink must be very diluted otherwise the beneficial effects will be blocked.

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And the right amount of water?

The right amount of water is about 400ml. Lower quantities will not have the desired effects, as a correct supply of liquid is required to dilute the toxins and cleanse the entire body. But there is more: lemon diluted in a little liquid can become aggressive, irritate throat, sore gums, dry lips, or damage to tooth enamel.
Finally, it is good to consider that preparing water and lemon following the quantities we have mentioned to the letter, allows everyone to easily take the drink without feeling it too sour or disgusting.

How long to take lemon water?

Given the premises made previously, water and lemon must become a drink to be taken always, every morning, as a daily practice to be included in the breakfast routine and which gradually, through the visible benefits, will become a "habit to never leave.

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Water and lemon in the morning: after how long can you have breakfast?

It will be enough to wait ten or fifteen minutes before having breakfast in the morning, in this way we will give the purifying drink time to act. Better never go beyond thirty minutes, or at most forty-five, to have breakfast, in fact, in this case, the glycemic balance in the morning would not be maintained.


Lemon water should be used with care if you suffer from gastritis, ulcer, chronic gastric hyperacidity or other gastric inflammation. In all these cases it is better to start with very small doses.
After a few months the symptoms linked to the above problems improve and the standard rules can be followed.

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