Weekly horoscope from 4 to 10 February 2019: Mercury enters Aquarius!

Aries: what a moon!

Dear Aries, Venus has unfortunately just turned its back on you and in the coming weeks your life as a couple will be decidedly eventful… Good news, however, arrives on the working front where, starting from Thursday, unexpected opportunities and gratifications could arrive. Mercury stops being unfavorable to you and gives you lucky encounters! Weekend with the moon in conjunction: a lucky weekend awaits you!

Taurus: a lot of passion!

Dear Taurus, try to make the most of the first part of this week, when you can count on a positive aspect of Mercury that, starting from Thursday, will turn its back on you and it will no longer be so easy to find the desired agreements or simply people with to establish the right understanding. On the sentimental front, however, you can count on the support of Venus: your couple will experience moments of great complicity and passion.

See also

The whole truth, to know who Aquarius really are

Aquarius ascendant: personality and main characteristics

Leo ascendant Aquarius: sense of justice and willpower

Gemini: the serene returns ...

Dear Gemini, finally this week serenity returns to your love life. With no more Venus in opposition, you will be able to mend the dialogue with your partner and understand each other will be easier. Good news also coming in the workplace starting from Thursday, when Mercury will help you unlock a situation that is close to your heart. Find out immediately which are the three most suitable adjectives to define your sign:

Cancer: tough week ...

Dear Cancer, the first part of the week will be quite tough for your sign: you will have to endure both the opposition of Venus and that of Mercury! Fortunately, however, starting from Thursday at least Mercury will change position and on the professional and relationship front you will feel less of the sense of constriction and "heaviness" that has oppressed you in the last period. At the weekend you may feel a little extra tired.

Leo: Mercury opposite ...

Dear Leo, unfortunately this week is likely to be quite heavy for your sign. In fact, it begins with two moon days in opposition: Monday and Tuesday be careful not to lose your temper immediately! Starting from Thursday, the planet Mercury will also come into opposition to your sign, making the relationship with bosses and colleagues more difficult and complicated. You will need to arm yourself with a lot of patience, but in the end you will be able to assert yourself.

Virgo: count on Venus!

Dear Virgo, your week will be characterized by the positive aspect of Venus, ready to give you all the joys of life as a couple that you deserve. If you are single, lucky encounters are possible early in the week! Attention instead to the days of Thursday and Friday, when the moon will be in opposition: you will experience moments of stress that could lead you to say or do something that you may regret ...

Libra: Venus unfavorable ..

Dear Libra, no joking with Venus is unfavorable: finding an agreement with your partner in these days will really be a challenge. Fortunately, there is Mercury who comes to your rescue and, starting Thursday, gives you some good news, especially possible on the work front. On the weekend, however, the moon in opposition will return to accentuate the tensions in your life as a couple and you could spend the weekend discussing ...

Scorpio: surround yourself with the right people ...

Dear Scorpio, on the sentimental front a truly idyllic period continues for you: favorable Venus gives you complicity with your partner and a lot, a lot of passion. Unfortunately, however, on the working front, setbacks and blocks could occur starting from Thursday, when Mercury will become unfavorable to your sign. Be careful to always and only surround yourself with people you trust and with whom you already have a good understanding.

Sagittarius: Success is around the corner!

Dear Sagittarius, your week opens with two lucky moon days: Monday and Tuesday there may be some unexpected good news! Wednesday and Thursday, on the other hand, will be two days a bit heavier, in which you may feel bad mood. Cheer up: already on Friday Mercury will return to smile at you, inaugurating a period full of opportunities, meetings and great successes on a professional level. Don't forget this is your year!

Capricorn: long live Venus!

Dear Capricorn, with Venus in conjunction this week, love will be booming! Singles will put aside their solitary spirit and be open to new encounters, while those who are already in a couple will feel more loved and understood than ever. Super-luck also in the workplace in the first part of the week. Pay attention only to the weekend, when a moon in an unfavorable position could create a bit of a bad mood ...

Aquarius: welcome, Mercury!

Dear Aquarius, starting on Thursday, the planet Mercury will enter your sign! A period full of opportunities opens up for you, in which - if you wish - you can mess up the cards on the table. Everything is possible for you, who love to dream big: the stars will help you achieve your goals! Monday and Tuesday will be two days full of luck, with the moon in conjunction. Finally, the weekend promises to be very romantic ...

Pisces: luck in love!

Dear Pisces, Venus has finally decided to reward you: this week there could be some good news in love! Your feelings will be reciprocated and you will experience truly exciting moments, especially possible on Wednesdays and Thursdays, when you will also have a beautiful moon in conjunction! On the work front, however, focus everything on the first part of the week, when you will have the support of Mercury on your side.

Tags:  Horoscope Parenthood Old-Test - Psyche