2nd week of pregnancy for mom and baby - 1st month of pregnancy

Mother's health

On average, each menstrual cycle lasts 28 days, but it can have variations. If your period doesn't come (especially if you have a regular period), you should ask yourself why.

Four or five days after the date you should have menstruated, you can buy a pregnancy test to take away any doubts. These tests analyze the levels of a hormone, HCG, which progressively rises when you are pregnant and which can be found in the urine. These tests are absolutely reliable.
However, when you see a doctor, he will order blood tests and other tests to confirm the diagnosis.

See also

4th week of pregnancy for mom and baby - 1st month of pregnancy

3rd week of pregnancy for mom and baby - 1st month of pregnancy

1st week of pregnancy for mom and baby - 1st month of pregnancy

The development of the child

At the beginning of the second week of life, the fertilized egg begins to install itself in the wall of the uterus: nesting is taking place. The cells multiply and, very soon, some of them already begin to "specialize". Thus, there will be some that will move outwards, and others that will remain in the center. On the periphery of the fertilized egg a kind of extension will be created, some hairs that will help it to penetrate the uterine wall.

This phase of "implantation in the uterus" is essential for the continuation of pregnancy. It may happen that the fertilized egg nestles in an inappropriate place, outside the uterus: then we speak of extrauterine pregnancy.

Our advice

Daily Precautions

You are pregnant: you probably feel a little more tired than usual. The beginning of a "normal" pregnancy does not imply a radical change in your daily life. However, there are some small precautions to take.


It's time to start paying attention to your diet, but don't overdo it. The nutrition of a future mother must be absolutely normal and balanced. However, you will need to pay more attention to football, an element that you will particularly need. Your gynecologist will probably prescribe iron supplements and certainly the vitamin B9 (folic acid) recommended in the first months of pregnancy for the prevention of spina bifida.

Get into the habit of eating small meals: in this way you will not feel burdened and at the same time you will always have the necessary energy. The diet of the expectant mother must be nutritious, healthy and varied. But, since each person is different from the other, there is no one-size-fits-all diet. In principle, the diet should consist of: 15-20% protein; 30% fat; 45-50% carbohydrates, fibers, vitamins, mineral salts.

Drink a lot of water, at least one liter a day. Pay attention to that of the tap, in some cities, it could contain harmful substances. You can drink mineral waters (except those too high in sodium), milk, fruit juices (but beware of weight gain). Avoid carbonated, exciting and alcoholic drinks.

Food precautions
To avoid listeriosis, a foodborne disease that can cause serious infections, you need to follow some basic dietary rules. The germ is widespread in the environment and can be found in all raw foods; the complete cooking of food can destroy it. The following are prohibited: raw milk, non-pasteurized soft cheeses (eg gorgonzola, brie, ... ), raw cured meats (eg raw ham), crustaceans and smoked fish, fish and raw meats.

Always wash your hands before touching or preparing any food. Remove the rind from cheeses before eating them. Wash the fridge regularly. Go for pre-packaged products. Do not store food for too long. Clean well the vegetables and the knives you use to cut them, and do not use them for other foods (meat, cheese ...). Wash fruits and vegetables thoroughly with baking soda and water to prevent toxoplasmosis.

The sport
If you want to play sports, activities such as rugby, karate, skiing or horse riding are not recommended: they involve too many risks of blows or falls. On the contrary, in addition to walking, to continue doing regular physical activity, you can opt for sports such as swimming, water aerobics, yoga, pilates ...

Regardless of the sport you choose, try to relax! By breathing deeply, you will get your fill of energy! Even if you are sluggish, make an effort: walk at least half an hour a day. It is important to oxygenate your body, to improve circulation and strengthen the abdominals.

Other precautions to take
Medications: Avoid taking them without a prescription from a doctor who is aware of your pregnancy. If you need to take an x-ray, let the radiologist know that you are pregnant. Avoid contact with people with contagious diseases.
Also avoid carrying heavy weights, have your groceries brought home!

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