Stomach acid: that unpleasant burning sensation!

Stomach acidity affects people of all ages! The causes as you will see can be many and different but in general, adopting an unhealthy lifestyle and bad eating habits contributes to the onset of problems with gastroesophageal reflux and gastric acidity. As well as being too stressed! Yet feeling good and in balance with your body is really important: watch the video and find out how!

Heartburn (gastric acidity or heartburn): the causes

Stomach acidity manifests itself with an annoying burning sensation, which tends to rise towards the sternum with sometimes even considerable intensity. If the problem does not occur frequently, it can depend on various factors: stress, large, spicy or poorly digestible meals, drugs, alcohol. All this can be the cause of acute gastritis, especially if acidity is felt a short distance from the meal. The term acute gastritis indicates a generic inflammation of the stomach. Instead, it could be a gastric ulcer, if the burning and acidity appear half an hour after the meal and you are accused of real stomach pains. If this symptomatology becomes chronic and also occurs at other times or at night and seems to decrease by ingesting food, it could be a duodenal ulcer. Obviously, when it comes to real pathologies, the opinion of the specialist is essential to verify these hypotheses with specific tests. It could also be a problem of esophageal reflux, if the burning rises upwards to also affect the oral cavity. In this case, what is contained in the stomach goes up into the esophagus, causing inflammation.This problem is caused by the muscular valve that closes the "mouth" of the stomach and opens to allow food, vomiting, belching to pass; if it is too relaxed, it can cause food to rise back into the esophagus, also causing irritation within the pharynx and oral cavity. When the burning or acidity appears by changing position, that is bending down, lying down, bending over the knees, there is a greater chance that it is oesophageal reflux. Even a hiatal hernia could cause reflux. In this regard, we often speak of a hiatal hernia, that is the passage of a part of the stomach through the diaphragm, a muscle that separates the thorax from the "abdomen. The" hiatal hernia alters the proper functioning of the valve with which it opens and closes the esophageal sphincter (cardia). If the contents of the stomach pour into the esophagus, there are regurgitations or belching of air. Symptoms of hiatal hernia are also tachycardia and extrasystoles after lunch. , with snsazione of a lump in the throat. For heartburn and belching, it is good to take into account also among the causes of emotional problems, anxiety, nervousness, mood swings. If the acidity is considerable, it can overcome the protective mucosa of the stomach, irritating it and in some cases causing lesions. The greater the gastric acidity, the greater the irritation of the mucous membrane of the esophagus.

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Always consult your trusted specialist

Medicines against stomach acid are intended as emergency remedies to calm the ailment momentarily, but they cannot be taken as therapy without consulting with the doctor and without his prescription. Only a medical examination and any analyzes requested by the specialist will be able to establish the causes of the disorder and the most suitable therapy for the case in question. An anamnestic card, in which the patient answers a questionnaire on previous pathologies concerning heart, respiratory, metabolism, digestive system and drugs taken, can contribute to a more accurate diagnosis, but it is not sufficient, as some symptoms are common, such as we said, to more pathologies. Often after the visit, it is necessary to resort to specific investigations to accurately diagnose the causes of the phenomenon, to regain one's physical and psychological well-being. In any case, it is always advisable to start a good, simple diet with digestible and not too substantial and non-irritating foods, which helps to reduce the sense of acidity and heartburn. All substances that increase gastric secretion, fruit juices, cola must be eliminated. It is necessary to abolish smoking and chew slowly during meals to limit the use of chocolate and coffee, which can be replaced with that of barley. It is good to consume wholemeal pasta, vegetables, poached meat and lean fish preferably boiled, non-acidic fruit. In addition to the stress and the overly hectic pace of life and the use of certain drugs, we must consider that some foods are too acidic and cause a relaxation of the valve, which should block the rise of acid in the esophagus, that is the cardia. To try to prevent heartburn it is good to reduce the consumption of tomatoes, citrus fruits, not well leavened pizza, kiwi, chilli pepper, pickles, jam, honey, tea, beer, wine and spirits, which can damage the mucous membrane and promote formation of ulcers.

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Medicines: antacids, prokinetics, antisecretives (proton pump inhibitors) and alginates

For heartburn, antacid or prokinetic medicines are indicated, which alleviate the problem of reflux, decrease the problem of reflux, facilitating the emptying of the stomach, or antisecretives and alginates. Do-it-yourself in medicine is never advisable, especially if you don't even have basic knowledge about it. For stomach acid, sodium bicarbonate was once used, but its effectiveness is short-lived and could even worsen symptoms; among other things, it is contraindicated for hypertensive patients or patients with renal insufficiency and pregnant women, as it increases sodium in the body. For dyspepsia there are various natural remedies in phytotherapy such as chewable tablets or herbal teas based on fennel, rhubarb, gentian, artichoke, aloe, mint, blessed thistle, wormwood.

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A common but complex ailment

The use of NSAIDs and calcium antagonist drugs for hypertension, in addition to overweight and obesity, can intensify the production of gastric juices and a weakening of the stomach's defenses. The substances contained in the NSAIDs (aspirin, ibuprofen) relax the cardia, favoring reflux. Excessive acidity irritates and inflames the gastric mucosa. Gastric mucus is like a protective gel of the stomach wall. When the gastric glands produce too much acidity, its protection becomes insufficient. After experiencing pain and burning in the upper abdomen, there may be belching, episodes of vomiting with severe nausea. If no action is taken on this excess gastric acidity, erosions can form in the inner part of the stomach, hence a gastric ulcer, with burning and pain associated with a sense of emptiness or heaviness depending on the case. The problem can arise at any age, is very widespread, also depends on the lifestyle and often has a very negative impact on the serenity of patients, especially when it occurs periodically and frequently.

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What can be done for gastric acidity?

As we have already mentioned, the first thing to do is to take care of nutrition correctly, then practice regular physical activity, useful for tensions of muscles, tendons and ligaments and also for anxiety and stress, two very counterproductive elements. for gastric acidity. If possible, it is better to avoid anti-inflammatory drugs, but opting for other solutions, perhaps natural, that reduce hyperacidity and restore gastric pH. Gastric heartburn (from the Greek pure fire) causes a burning pain, can be mild or with painful pangs, is often associated with belching and rising of liquid or food sometimes up to the oral cavity, causing burning and irritation there too and often pharyngitis . Foamy mucus protects the stomach not only from acids, but also from external agents, but if its action is compromised, gastroesophageal reflux (GERD in English) can be generated, which can cause discomfort, but also more serious pathologies. When episodes of acidity recur after a few years, it is not necessary to independently resort to the same therapy, followed some time before, as the diseases evolve, the patient's age is different and new, better drugs may be available; therefore it is always good to ask again for the opinion of the doctor, possibly the one who already knows the clinical history of the subject. On the other hand, heartburn can also hide more serious diseases and it is advisable to be cautious. If you are overweight or pregnant or during your menstrual cycle this symptom is more easily felt. Other associated symptoms can be nausea, borborism, flatulence, belching and a bloated stomach. Triggering factors can be intolerances to certain foods, hiatal hernia, spastic colitis, gastritis, duodenitis and peptic ulcer. The Helicobacter pylori bacterium causes many of these diseases, it is transmitted by oral infection or through contact with infected feces. It usually gives rise to short-term problems, but sometimes also to complications that require careful medical treatment. Genetic factors, smoking and excessive nutrition are risk factors for gastritis, duodenitis and ulcers.

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Precautions to avoid esophageal reflux and gastric acidity.

Rest with a sufficiently high roof header, wear loose clothing that does not press the abdomen, do not eat too large meals and snacks after the evening lunch, eat while chewing slowly without speaking so as not to ingest air, not to lie down, or to exercise too much after meal if not earlier than two hours; sleep 7-8 hours a night; not smoking; do not take non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (aspirin, ibuprofen, ketoprofen, diclofenac), pay attention to sunburn, lose weight if you are overweight, exercise, avoid stressful work and discussions. It is preferable not to consume spicy foods, cinnamon, tomatoes, acidic fruits and vegetables, such as pineapple, citrus fruits, rather prefer apples, pears, bananas, coleslaw, fennel and salad, consume dry biscuits and not creamy products, use olive oil. olive and not butter, ricotta and not cream, white and not red meat, cook the food in the oven and do not fry it.
A right dose of protein can be taken above all from legumes and eggs, quite digestible foods. limit the intake of carbonated drinks, alcohol, replacing natural water and bitter fruit juices.

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