5 signs to tell if your he is a true selfish (and won't he change?)

Sometimes you wonder if you are not exaggerating, if you are playing the victim as he tells you, and if you are not yourself neglecting and blaming him. Then, if you think about it, it seems to you that your partner, boyfriend, husband, is instead a real egoist. In short, is he a charismatic or is he so taken with himself that he no longer sees through his nose? And in this case, does unconditional love exist? A selfish man, sucks energy from you all the time, and takes it from you to magnify his ego. How to treat him? pure selfish, and that no, you can't change it:

1. In bed there is only his pleasure

In bed you ask him for some position that can favor your orgasm, or a well-deserved cunnilingus after your dedicated fellatio performance of the weekend ... but he gets bored, clearly avoids satisfying you and once he reaches his pleasure, he suffocates yours. between a yawn and voluntary loss of consciousness? In short: if the thing happens once, it can also go, but if this is the routine ...

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2. Your commitments have absolute priority

Nothing matters more than his commitments. It is burdensome for you to make requests regarding your friends, your job, your gym, your schedules because you know that he prefers to take care of his things and that meeting you would be a sacrifice for him. Moreover, it would make you weigh every choice that provides a limit to its commitments for you ... distressing!

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3. Can't listen

When he asks how you're doing, and it doesn't happen often, he can't take the answer for more than a minute. And not because the new generations have a deficit of concentration, but because they feel compelled to interrupt you to express an "opinion, talk about themselves, give an example that responds to your considerations which obviously concerns his person. In short: he does not know. How can there be an exchange without listening?

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4. He comes before us

Your projects, whether they are related to the August vacation, or the life you will share, never really include a us who is not submissive to his self. To put it briefly: you think of you two, he thinks of himself. You to the house with 3 rooms, him to his loft in the center, you to your family, him to the banal Champions League match. He can't put the two of you before his ego. It is equivalent to being in a relationship alone, and you might as well be single.

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5. Your success threatens him

Never let it be said that you are more "career" than him! It irritates him, annoys him, and if your success overshadows him and off the stage, he will practice attitudes to distract you from your goal and manipulate you, making you feel guilty that you don't give him enough attention, time, devotion! Shouldn't loving be supporting each other? Don't you wish he was genuinely proud of you?

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In short girl: get rid of this man, definitely unable to love and get inspired by the strongest women ever to get back on track and get from the relationship what you really deserve!

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